up at 4am and going coursework..

right wel im off to do some work in bed so my parents think ive had some sleep.
I'll let you all know how i got on tomorrow!

Thanks for the 'chattin' :D

Flare :D
I remember ICT courseworks though, page counts were huge but most of it was annotated screenshots! And the wordy bits were very easy to write.

GAH, tell me about it! every single piece od coursework was petty much the same thing with a slightly different topic but with a stupid amount of screenshots with annotations on how to do EVERYTHING! and yet i do A level ICT :confused::confused: haha :p
Absolute Graftter, Nice work man keep it up

thanks mate, appreciate it :)

rofl, my whole dissertation was only 12,000 words. and I was working on that for the good part of a year...

Salt in wound? Sorry :P

mines just under 30,000 and took me the best part of a week... salt in wound? sorry :P

30k words?! l
I think you got the word count wrong somewhere mate... Hope you get an A without peeing off your tutor too much :p

yep, 30, 000 words.
haha, well he has had a class full of projects between 20 and 30k words so i dont think one more can hurt much....
I don't really have a right to judge you but 30k in one week?

I doubt its quality over quantity.

well i wouldnt say it all in a week but that the majority of it has been.
and trust me (not meaning to be modest!) there is quality, my dad has his own business and has gone over it and couldnt realy fault anything i had doe in it. tbh i may have put too much detail into it... i have had no life for the past week and have stayed up until about 6am a few nights. i did a lot of research the few weeks before i started writing.

I would say its quite an accomplishment considering i got it in june of last year :p

but yeah, i work best under a lot of pressure and generallyalways do well with coursework :)
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Same here, no idea what the word count was but I just did the 5w exam

i ad that option as well but i am MUCH better at coursework than exams.
i just cant do business exams, i really cant seem to ever finnish them unless its a resit, that is my downfall :(
saying that though, im still on target for an A :D
Go and jump off a bridge please because god help us if people like you get into any sort of power. I would think you ought to learn your lesson when you left the coursework late in the first place, but to leave it late for your extension date beggers belief. You deserve to fail, and I almost hope you do. This might seem harsh but I lose patience with people that don't realise their own luck when given a second chance. Get a grip pal.

haha, seriously mate....calm down....whoosaaah (Bad Boys 2 reference)
Has it not occured to you that maybe i have been using my extension period as much as possible to get the most out of it that i can? So dont jump to conclusions and say that i "deserve to fail", do i hell. so yeah, i left my coursework to a few weeks before but for those weeks i have been working my arse off and produced a good piece of coursework. i only got an extension because 4 days before the hand in date my computer ****** itself meaning i could not add any of the stuff to my work that my teacher said last thursday.
Get a grip pal.
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