First half of the year there's not much going on, I'm mostly waiting for Doom Eternal & Gears Tactics.
Second half, all eyes on CP2077, no question about it. I don't even want to know about anything else, though I'm also quite hyped about a Vikings AC. Think that one will launch '21 though, Ubisoft's schedule is way too packed atm.
Normally I'd also be all over
Knights of Honour 2.
Immortal Realms: Vampire Wars.
Iron Harvest
Not to worry though, still an appetiser left!
Ghostrunner. Cyberpunk meets Mirror's Edge.
So, let's update. Eternal came out, was a fine enough game but overall a disappointment personally. Not much to say about it other than that, that's my general feeling on it. Gears Tactics somehow I had lower expectations for but it ended up being a HUGE disappointment purely because while they nailed the moment to moment gameplay & overall Gears atmosphere, it just ended up being too immediately repetitive and one-note. I knew it wasn't going to procedural like Xcom 2 but it just failed to deliver, and failed big.
In the same genre we had Chimera Squad come out as well, out of nowhere, and honestly that one's excellent. Great levels, fun gameplay, wonderful sound & visuals, just a treat to play through again and again. My only gripe is I need to have the dialogue perma-muted, it's awfully written for voice.
Getting back to the other ones, Humankind I remain somewhat cold towards. I've accepted the disappointment from Amplitude and will just give it a go whenever. It's clear that the magic of the Endless universe was simply a phase. GL to them but I see them creatively rot at Sega just like it happened with CA & Relic.
Knights of Honour 2, I don't want to think about because I won't contain the hype, but it's probably gonna be pushed back further. I remain optimistic but will keep it down until we get closer to release.
Vampire wars, not much again, let's see at release.
Iron Harvest, I remain lukewarm about it, I think in the end I just don't care about RTS anymore outside of the old ones that I already know and am nostalgic for. Bit sad but eh, it is what it is.
Gamedec, it's looking quite good, we have more of an idea of how it will be and it's shaping up like a really interesting RPG. I'm excited to see more.
We saw more details for AC Valhala as well, but it's kinda 'meh' from me. Not much for the vikings settings but after the brilliant job Witcher 3 did with Skellige I opened my mind to it, but Ubisoft just didn't show as much care as CDPR did and frankly they just butchered so many small details it's put me off massively. Not least of all - Good Guy Vikings? Seriously? **** off. I'll grab it when it hits the bargain bin maybe.
A very, very positive surprise has also been
Saints Row the 3rd Remastered. They did a bang up job on the visuals & the game remains as fun as ever. Greatly enjoyed (and enjoying) it!
And finally Ghostrunner, which has offered us a demo and by golly - it was phenomenal! By far the biggest hit out of the list so far and it's looking like it's gonna be a hit. Super excited for this one!
So, what's new for the rest of the year?
Well, CP 2077 remains the sun around which all gaming hype revolves around, and the newest footage has really redeemed the poor showing from CDPR when they did the 17min non-sense one before. I have absolutely no doubt I will love this game and will lose months and months on it. Nothing more needs to be said.
A new entrant, again in an Xcom-like vein, is
Othercide. Lovely aesthetic and we have a few more gameplay details. I have a good feeling about this one and it's not long to release - it's in 8 days! Have a look.
We're also getting 2 major Sony hits on PC which we didn't really know about. Death Stranding & Horizon Zero Dawn. Not exactly new but nonetheless new for us on PC. I'd like to try DS eventually but the price is a joke atm & for HZD I'm quite excited about, as I already played it on the PS4 Pro but stopped due to FOV issues & low-camera, things which the PC version will fix, and I liked the game otherwise, at least well enough. So I'll end up getting that once I get a new GPU in sept/oct.
I've also grown quite interested in Watch Dogs Legion, even though I had little care for the first 2. There's something quite soulless about Watch Dogs 2 but it was a well built world, and Legion is looking to inject a bit more character and soul into the franchise, so I'm positive it will end up well. The delay certainly can't have hurt either.
For nostalgia's sake, I'm probably gonna give Serious Sam 4 a try also. It's looking good but the overall graphical direction is a bit disappointing I'd say. Still, the gameplay looks like good ol' fun & there's a lovely soundtrack for company. Can't go too wrong with that.
Mortal Shell, I don't think I was aware of it before but it's a very well made soulslike, and in this case also very much embodying the atmosphere of the originals. There was a beta for it and I think they did quite well with it. Certainly looking forward to playing more of it, even though I'm more a fan of soulslikes than the souls themselves.
Dirt 5 is looking like a good, fun, light-hearted racing game as well, and with a good soundtrack. Basically everything I'm looking for in a driving game. Might pick this up if I get bored of FH4.
Mafia Definitive Edition, I want to be excited about. The original was fantastic & had great atmosphere, but I remain somewhat skeptical of the studio especially considering how awful the 2nd one's remaster went, if you can even call it that. Still have my eye on it tho.
Keep with the mob theme, I've grown to appreciate
Empire of Sin more as well, and while I mostly brushed it off in the past, I think it has my attention now. My appetite for TBS-RPGs has increased after a lot of Xcom binges this year, so I won't say no. Plus been in that 'rewatch the Sopranos and all the classic mafia movies' state for most of the year, so I'm looking forward to some gaming in that vein also. Was disappointed with what Boardwalk Empire turned into but it got me wanting to see more of prohibition era-themed media.
Godfall, I think will end up taking The Division 2's place in my roster, or at least trading shifts. Played way too much of the latter but I still want more looter-shooters like that if they're done well. This is more of a looter & slasher but hey, I'll take it!
And if not Godfall, then
Outriders will certainly make an attempt. I know, it has a somewhat generic look & feel to it, but actually what I like about it is I think it's gonna have that same satisfying responsiveness that The Division 2 has. I'm not sure if PCF can pull it off and I didn't root for them at the beginning but the more they show of it the more things I find to like.
I think
Bloodlines 2 will surprise me. Again, a game I didn't care much about initially when it was revealed and frankly I don't have much faith in the new direction of studio + publisher, but it's growing on me the more they show of it. I remain apprehensive about it but they might just pull of a game with great atmosphere if nothing else, and for me that's enough to give it a chance. We'll see.
Another beloved classic is getting a sequel,
Evil Genius 2 and while I haven't spent much time with the original, I did enjoy it and the new one looks to be going above and beyond. Certainly a unique game for anyone tired of the relative similarity of AAA productions. This has the potential to sap a lot hours from us, a bit like in the style of 'one-more-turn oops it's 5 hours later'.
The Ascent is another one of these good clean fun games that doesn't try to recreate life but rather wants to give you satisfying gameplay loops & beautiful art.
Don't know how many more new games are going to be announced for this year but I guess we'll find out in a few days at the Xbox presentation. Either way, still plenty to choose from. If only we had so much time...