**UPDATE: 8-Pack WINS Corsair & Intel Overclocking Competition**

^^^ No we did not. We had a plan and stuck with it.

We was actually better than Andre in another 3 benches till about 20mins from the end. At this time it was too late to try better our previous best which was actually only in some cases 0.02 seconds behind Andre. So was indeed possible we could have taken some of them back given more time.

We had focused on 32mb for like 90mins and the rig we used for the other benches had thawed out with water and condensation all over the board. We did not have time to dry it and go again.

We wanted to but it was too late so focused on improving are 32m time. Which we did on the last run.
Don't be shy with uploading those scores in the bench threads ;)

Vince and 8 Pack side by side...Awesomes. Hat off to ya bud.
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