Upgrade Advice Needed - Many thanks in Advance.

29 May 2020
Good Afternoon Overclockers,

I currently have an old gaming pc that hasn't been used in quite some time, and am wondering if its still salvageable, even as a low end gaming PC, or something that will at least run windows without lagging even when just opening a programme... orr should I just completely start fresh?

The PC has the following specs:

GPU: Radeon Sapphire R9 280X
CPU: AMD FX 8-Core 4.0GHZ Black Edition
Mother Board: Gigabyte 990FXA-UD5
HDD: Samsung (some archaic HDD)
RAM: 4GB Corsiar 1600Mhz XMS3

Many Thanks

- Andy
Cheapest way to salvage that rig is to increase the RAM from 4 to 8GB (matching pairs of 4GB) an add a cheap SATA SSD. That way it should run Windows 10 (Aebit slowly) & play something like Fortnite without too much trouble.
Thanks for the reply mate, thats all copied! Would you say that this rig can be salvaged to something stable enough to run a few low end games, or do you think I would be better off doing a re build at something around 500 odd quid ?
Hello again,

Thank you for your advice Quartz thats very nice of you putting together a potential build for me, I will keep this in mind, and might get back to this at a slightly later date, maybe even save up and spend a bit more money on a higher end build!! :D
Thanks for the reply mate, thats all copied! Would you say that this rig can be salvaged to something stable enough to run a few low end games, or do you think I would be better off doing a re build at something around 500 odd quid ?

A few online web browser based games I would say. An R9 280x was a good card back in the day, I installed one in my Nephews PC & he played most of them up until last year, when he complained about his PC being slow when he played Overwatch. I upgraded the PC anyway as it was his 18th Birthday, but Overwatch is a resource hog on any PC.

£500 is not quite enough for an upgrade these days unless you are prepared to make 'compromises' such as reusing certain components, sometimes that can have a detrimental effect on the upgraded PC.
Thank you for all the advice gents, given the advice I will probably look at doing a new build later on in the year, unfortunately just bought a new laptop as I travel a lot for work so it was a necessity really.

I wouldnt say I'm a power user by any stretch, mind you the one game I used to love back in the day was Microsoft FSX which is quite power hungry! Those were the days! Haha
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