Upgrade CPU or Graphics Card?

23 May 2006
Hi guys,

A question for you please:-

I currently have two 6800GTs in SLi config and an A64 (Winchester core) 3500 CPU. I overclock the latter by 5% using Gigabyte Easy Tune utility when I want to play graphically demanding games such as Fear etc, although I'm limited to a max res of 1280 by 1024 on my 19" monitor.

Which would give me the best return upgrade wise please, replace the two 6800GTs with a single 7900GTX or upgrade the CPU first to say a dual core 4400 or the like?

Thanks in anticipation of sagely words of wisdom!
The two GTs should be pretty decent for your 1280 x 1024 res. I mean, are you satisfied with the way games play? Do you want to multitask?
Explicit said:
The two GTs should be pretty decent for your 1280 x 1024 res. I mean, are you satisfied with the way games play? Do you want to multitask?

Id go for a cpu, if thats the res, not too high ....cpu would be nice.
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