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Upgrade pondering - 4790k

26 Nov 2016
Been running a 4790k for around 2 years now... Maybe more? Feels like less! Bought it for £230 on release, which seems like peanuts compared to what high end i7s go for now.

Anyone know if it's worth the upgrade to a new DDR4 platform? My motherboard is a Maximus VII Ranger, which has red accents. My case is a white S340 Elite and I want a black/white build for a new home. Hence, want rid of the red RAM and mobo.

Just unsure whether to wait for Coffee Lake or whatever. I've been out of touch with the market for a while now so am unsure what people's thoughts are in terms of waiting/upgrading/rebuilding.

Anyone who has done an upgrade from 4790k to 6700k or 7700k?
26 Nov 2016
I'm in the same boat but pondering over the 8 core threadripper which should offer a good upgrade path to the next iteration as the socket should remain the same.

Threadripper you say? Ugh, just when I thought I'd caught up with the latest in the industry. Time to get back on the Google. I'm guessing Threadripper is true 8 core, not excavator/piledriver again?

Edit: Guessing in the current climate $549 will translate to £549, which I think is past what I'd pay for a CPU! Plus it looks like a super high end mobo is required.
26 Nov 2016
lol from 4790k to 7700k side grade at most 1 to 3 fps difference , you want at least 6 core with threads .
That's kind of what I figured. Looking at it, I think it's more a vanity/aesthetic lust. My mobo (VII Ranger) is red, but my colour scheme is white, black and green (Hue+). The red is really irritating to look at. Think my mind is wanting to get rid of that deep down!

I'll wait until Coffee Lake and depending on prices, may jump to a Ryzen build...
26 Nov 2016
I'd definitely wait to see what coffe lake will be like first. I did upgrade from the 4790k with 1866mhz RAM to the 7700k with 3ghz RAM and I gained a good 10fps in Far Cry Primal even at 4K but the faster RAM probably helped mainly.

GTA online and the Division ran far nicer on the 7700k even at 4K as well.

Mmm interesting. Birthday is in October so likely to get a xb321hk as a present from me to me! Interesting that you saw gains at 4K. I'm at 1440p now but 4K gains could swing it. Then again, a jump to 4K probably warrants a GPU upgrade than a CPU upgrade. I'm confident my 980ti can just about hack 4K with GSync and all filtering disabled.
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