Upgrade upto £2000

18 Oct 2012
Hi guys,

So I'm thinking of doing an upgrade... I really fancy an 8700k guaranteed at 5.2ghz with the highest amount of memory at the fastest speed possible. I will need a decent motherboard as well.

I've not upgraded in a few years, but the rest of my components are fine as I have kept them up to date.

I am on a 4670k @4.3ghz with a GTX 1080.

Ideally I am looking for a pre-overclocked bundle. Is it best to contact OCUK direct and get a custom quote or is there something that fits my spec and budget on their site?

If I was to get 32gb of 8 pack memory at 4133mhz, would I see much performance difference, say against memory at 3200mhz with lower timings?



You pay a real premium for a garenteed 5.2 ghz, for gaming the difference will be minimal. You may be better buying a retail chip and taking your chances on the overclock. Most can get to 5 Ghz.

You would be far better spending the same money on a 8700k retail and selling the 1080 and upgrading to a 1080ti.

Ok, do you see much FPS improvement with higher speed memory? I am trying to some what future proof my system so I can avoid another upgrade for 5 - 7 years. I last upgraded my CPU, RAM & mobo in 2011
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