Upgrading a Mac Mini

Recently they changed retailers, because previous one was selling clones advertised as Apple Clones with OSX installed, which of course would be illegal from software EULA point of view...

Illegal is a strong word. EULAs have by no means been fully tested in court, nor can they override certain statutory rights. I don't know which side the Psystar case will come down on, for instance, but breaching a licensing agreement is not an automatic failure even when it does get to the courts.
Portable? Pony up for a MacBook. If you can afford the ponies for a Mac Mini + Upgrades (and be bothered to go to the effort) then a few extra quid for the Unibody MacBook (or even the WhiteBook) will be better suited.

Hell I can run CS4 and Aperture on my old WhiteBook with the RAM maxed out and edit images from my 10MP camera without too much pain.
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