'Upgrading' from a CRT

22 Dec 2006
Ok so my CRT is finaly on its last legs (or atleast the vertical board is) it does the whole ooooo white line in center of screen lark :)
So basicly I'm looking for a new screen TFT style and I have noooooo idea about this market because I like the colour depth of CRT's more so have never properly looked.
So with you guy's infinate wizdoms what would be a good make to look into, or if you love a specific model it would realy help me a lot.
My price range is about £250 and I run my current screen at 1600x1200.... duno if I could handle anything less now heh.
Also is a widescreen worth considering or is it realy just a oooooo thing that isn't realy worth the extra moneys?

Just seen the SM226BW tho and that looks prety awesome.... choises choises

Thanks in advance for your time :D

--Teribly sorry had a slight lapse of judgement there heh :)
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ah the thread is still here!!

It seems the one your looking at (which is also available at overclockers!!) is the best for gaming out of the 22" range. Seen it recommended by lots of people on here.
Widescreen isn't just a gimmick. It helps in general productivity, games, and movies/TV shows

Well worth considering :)
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