Upgrading Hard disk

26 Dec 2005
Currently thinking of upgrading the hard drive. At the mo I have a 149gb one probably looking at getting a 250gb hard drive.

Couple of issues i'm not sure about, for example can I plug any size hard drive (by that I mean in terms of gb) into the PC or will I be limited to a certain size hard drive given my system spec:

AMD Athlon 64 3000+ processor, 149gb hard disk, Nvidia agp 6600gt, 1gb ram (soon to be 2gb ram), motherboard is a MSI MS-6702.

Thanks in advance.
Spec doesn't seem to be a problem.

What OS you running? Anything less than Windows XP SP2 might have issues seeing more than 128GB.

EDIT: But since you're running with 149GB i doubt 250GB will be a problem :o One word of advice though, partition!
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