Upgrading sickness

23 Apr 2006
Hi All
It might seems strange i put this tread up. And the OcUk shop will not like this.
Firstly, for the past several week i have been very sick. Not body sickness but MENTAL sickness. I have been reading treads everywhere about upgrading my system. As you can see from my signature I bought this system over 8 months ago around 1500 pounds (not the BW speakers).

At the time i bought it, i was moving on from my PIII 733 which was 5 yrs old and really can not handle anything besides regular office work. That was all i need for school. For gamming, i have a ps2 which i enjoy playing it. However, the system had its age and it was very reasonable to get a new system, just for faster offfice and school work and a little of entertaining. So far so good.
I enjoy play CS source, fry cry, doom3 and the game i was not able to play in my old system. This system is quite well balance in terms of performance but i went around 500 over the budget but that is quite acceptable. :p

Then several weeks ago, i bought a game "Oblivion". I relised that the system i had can not handle it within playable level (ok resuloution and HDR). I can not accept this, i feel like my current system is out of date already. And having read through these post around OCUk i even feel worse. I feel like i already pay too much and was not happy with it. Maybe upgrade my GFX should make me happy.

So i think my 7800gt (in my 1500 system), should be retired. I decide to get a x1900xt and sold my 7800gt in almost half price (to original.) Now, i can play Oblivion is very nice resolution. Happy? Not really. I ask myself why should i pay around 200 quids for a game. Worse i feel so guilty of spending too much on something i do not really use it.

Now, the new SLI system is comming out. I also feel that why i choose the x1900xt over the 7900GTX just in case i want to change my MB and CPU. I just kill my upgrade path for some game. This is going nowhere, i more i upgrade i more i feel worse.

I believe there are many people having this kind of problem with their mind. So please i really want to hear from anyone who can get over this. I need some help.
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Just to check I've got this straight, this thread is basically you saying you lack the willpower not to upgrade?

You have a nice PC but accept that as time goes on you can't play things with all the 'eye-candy' on, that is life as a PC owner. If it makes you feel any better I'm on a socket 754 A64 3400 with an AGP 6800gt, upgrade path you say, where is that ;) but I'm perfectly happy with my system.
If you want to play new games at good settings you'll need to upgrade regularly when going the PC route.

Seems to me you'd be better off with your games console, and a cheapie PC for internet access/ office stuff.

Unless you have Very deep pockets or a blank cheque book , you will never keep pace.

What exactly is wrong with your current set-up ? ( apart from being 8 months old ! :eek: )

My spec :
AMD 64 3700 ( Socket 754 )
1 G OCZ Gold
Nvid 6800 GT

Runs most things fine. ( I stuggle with MS Paint )


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semi-pro waster said:
Just to check I've got this straight, this thread is basically you saying you lack the willpower not to upgrade?

You have a nice PC but accept that as time goes on you can't play things with all the 'eye-candy' on, that is life as a PC owner. If it makes you feel any better I'm on a socket 754 A64 3400 with an AGP 6800gt, upgrade path you say, where is that ;) but I'm perfectly happy with my system.

Well, techinicly my system is fine. But somehow having bombbard by the new technology, i feel like my system is way behind and i am not happy. I kind of strange but i believe manys feel that too, that is why start this treat just to find a potential remedy for it.
My answer to "upgrading sickness" is this:
Get £1500max "bestest of best stuff" and start saving up the £1500 again and buy the next "bestest of best stuff" in 3 years time.

You'll definitely lose "eye-candy" and FPS over time but that's natural in the Computing world - it shows progression. A BIG hassle and financial burden, yes. One will just have to get use to it and compensate the game graphics till the next upgrade. That's how I face the "Upgrading sickness".
mrdbristol said:
Unless you have Very deep pockets or a blank cheque book , you will never keep pace.

What exactly is wrong with your current set-up ? ( apart from being 8 months old ! :eek: )

My spec :
AMD 64 3700 ( Socket 754 )
1 G OCZ Gold
Nvid 6800 GT

Runs most things fine. ( I stuggle with MS Paint )



That was feeling ok when i use my PIII733 over the newer technology. However, once i have taste the power of nice system, i just can not leave it. And i would like to get away from this otherwise i will get in more trouble doing some un-necesssary upgrade.
You've got two options:

1. Spend (waste) loads of money every 4-6 months, run all games at max.

2. Stop looking at new hardware, play games that you REALLY enjoy, at medium settings if you have too.

or buy a console for games.

That's the cold hard reality. There is no remedy other than getting a better paid job.
frogboy said:
You've got two options:

1. Spend (waste) loads of money every 4-6 months, run all games at max.

2. Stop looking at new hardware, play games that you REALLY enjoy, at medium settings if you have too.

or buy a console for games.

That's the cold hard reality. There is no remedy other than getting a better paid job.

HAHAAH sheer brilliance that quote, its true thou, i'm new and i love the new system feel too mate, but hey ps3 will be a one off payment so just hold on til then
david.n.c said:
HAHAAH sheer brilliance that quote, its true thou, i'm new and i love the new system feel too mate, but hey ps3 will be a one off payment so just hold on til then

Or buy the 360 ;)
How i get addicted...

Originally, i am a gammer type of person. Play games in my relax time. I like FSP, Real time RPG, turn base RPG and any planning based game. These games are hard to find in the console and i found that playing in PC is must better experience. The interface is very controlable expecially in FSP game.

Things i can not get from the console. That is why i am abit addicted to these computer games. And i would spend abit just to play them in good resolution.

However, i am in mid twenty now. I relise i can not just spending money on things like these. There are other more important thing to spend on. That is also why i feel bad about buying my system.
Nevermind upgrades... I want new toys

I upgraded from a Celeron based system made by You Know Who as I had no upgrade path available to play the games I wanted (the mobo didn't even have an AGP slot).

I was going to buy an off the shelf system, again from You Know Who but a collegue suggested building my own - focusing the parts on what I actually needed and allowing some upgrade ability (as and when I need it).

I built a system (see sig), it's not the fastest system in the world, the GPU is several generations old but I can play the games I like at the setting I like. I see the prices that I paid for parts get lower, and the hardware requirements for uber games get higher (if you want to use a 20"+ screen in particular) - do I get stressed? No - I don't want to play uber games at super high res..

My problem is that I've discovered this web-site and several PC mags.. and I now want to build a new PC all the time, or modify my case to fit a mini TFT screen in, or add fan controllers, lights, cameras etc.. My frustration is that I know that I don't actually need anything else.. but I so want it.

Perhaps OverClockers Anonymous should be set-up?

My name is Jonathan and I want one of these and this...
Most people on here suffer the same sickness...

However, until Conroe, DX10 & Vista are out you would be best advised to stick with what you have & make do otherwise in another 6 months all those new superior techs will be sucking you in as well.

Its not as if you do not already have a reasonable system & there are very few PC games scheduled between now & the autumn so either wait or throw away more money then repeat again in 6 months time.
pcAnywhere said:
My problem is that I've discovered this web-site and several PC mags.. and I now want to build a new PC all the time, or modify my case to fit a mini TFT screen in, or add fan controllers, lights, cameras etc.. My frustration is that I know that I don't actually need anything else.. but I so want it.

Perhaps OverClockers Anonymous should be set-up?

My name is Jonathan and I want one of these and this...

I totally agree how this website can play as a two edges sword here. Anyway soloution you use to overcome it?
How do I cope? I just keep telling myself that I do not *need* that item... Oh and the high P&P costs from this site also stops me making impulsive buys (mind you, most sites charge similar amounts).
How do i deal with this problem?? simple, I just get a new pc (building one myself this time) and then forget about pc technology for a couple of years, then i get back into it and decide to upgrade again when the game ive bought for my pc just wont run on it :D. You could also make small upgrades regularly instead of huge overhauls to the computer in one go such as changing the graphics card one time, then the cpu once it has become too slow which might work but i feel just forgetting is good cause it saves you money to spend on other things :p
If you have other things you want to get with your money then do that... if not whats the problem as long as you can afford it! I dont drive... so instead of a decent car, i want a decent rig... I have no problems with spending loads of money on a PC or its parts, so long as its money iv'e got, dont ever wanna start buying stuff on credit... save that for emergency's ;). Although i think i suffer a similar problem, as i mentioned in a thread the other day lol, only just finished my build and already wanna upgrade my gfx card... but i knew my current one was only a mid range gap filler when i bought it, and wouldnt be long before i looked to upgrade :p

On the other hand you could always wean yourself off impulsive PC expenditure with alcohol... then you'll be so plastered you wont care if its out of date or not lol :D
my plan would be

  • sell pc
  • look in the " spec me a cheap as chips pc" thread
  • buy a pc from the above mentioned thread
  • buy a next gen games console
  • hook it upto your high res monitor or HDtv
  • happily play oblivion or any other games in full gfx for the next few years
  • spend saved money in pub

overclockers anonymous could stop you using the old " but i only play rpg " excuse :p
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Conman said:
I can not accept this, i feel like my current system is out of date already. And having read through these post around OCUk i even feel worse. I need some help.

My advice...Upgrade your CPU.
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