Upgrading sickness

Having the latest and greatest won't make you look like Brad Pitt in the eyes of the chicks, or be in anyway compensation for a small manhood.

You need to adopt a phylosopihcal attitude, and just enjoy your system, up until the point where it no longer does the deed.

Then upgrade or change it!

Most systems should last a reasonably longtime, and they don't just become obsolete over night.

A couple of weeks maybe, but not overnight ........... :D
Just to add to my post - I'm not trying to imply that you have a small manhood or don't look like Brad Pitt - but if you answer yes & no , don't feel bad, because you are in good company. :)

I actually answered no and yes - but then I also have a ninja PC that pulls the birds as well! :D
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I find that if you are reasonable smart and dont need to get the newsest cards etc. the week they come out (maybe wait a month or two after release)....you can upgrade every year and stay up with the latest and greatest hardware for about £300 a year. Selling old parts at auction sites etc...helps to keep the costs down. Yes expensive maybe...but its much the same as building a new system every three years.

One things though....if you cnat afford it...you gota resist! You sound exactly like my buddy.
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