Upgrading to Widescreen monitor?

20 Jan 2004
Petersfield, Hampshire
Hi chaps...

I currebtly have a really nice Viewsonic VX912B. I've had it for 18 months now and love it to bits.

However I really like the idea of getting a widescreen TFT.

To be honest I was thinking of getting a 20.1" Widescreen but I dont want to make the mistake of getting one and then kicking myself becuase the "upgrade" simply wasnt large enough.

I 'm not spending as much on PC parts as I used to and the idea of always having to get the very best gfx card (or even consider SLI etc) just to keep up with say a 24" screen doesnt appeal too much.

So basically I have a couple of queries;

1) Will an upgrade from my 19" TFT to a 20.1" Wide TFT be worth while?

2) Would I be better off getting a 24" and seeing the real difference?

3) How would my current setup handle both the 20.1" & 24" Wide TFT's

4) is it likely that I will continue to have to upgrade (at every new launch of gfx)if I go with either screen?

5) What would you do if you were in my popsition with my setup?

Thanx a million!
Cheers lads...

I'd really like the 24" then I think... how do games look when you use a 24" widescreen but only display say 1650x1050 (or whatever the 20" wide res is)?

Does the screen simply add black borders or does it scale the image to use the whole screen but less pixels? Whats the quality of the image like.. for gaming that is?

Also, has anyone got any pics of a 19" TFT next to a 24" Widescreen and a 20" widescreen?

I'd particularly like to see 19" next to a 20" wide.

:0 Thankyou!!
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