Uplay - good, bad or dangerous?

4 Jun 2007
Watford, UK
Just got the Nvidia Bullets or Blades freebie. I was pleasantly surprised to find it was a choise of £50 games so naturally I'm loath to pass it up. Trouble is it seems the only way to get them is to install Uplay and it seems there's some question over whether Uplay is rotten - history of installing rootkits, browser extensions etc. Is it still bad or have they cleaned up their act? What are people's general opinions please?
Same, only ever used it through Steam as I can't avoid it. Never had any problems really nor used the uplay store.
Wouldn't be supporting Ubisoft exactly. The game's a freebie so it's not like I'd be giving them any more money than they've already taken off Nvidia already. Likely to uninstall the whole framework after I've finished the game to be honest.

neoglow said:
Same, only ever used it through Steam as I can't avoid it
Now Steam I use. Do you just mean you've set it as a non-Steam game (shortcut) or some other integration?
uplay is fine. I find it no different to Origin. Just a stupid platform that won't bow down and submit to Steam the "real" go to gaming platform for PC.
The only difference I've found between Uplay, Steam and Origin is when it comes to reinstalling.

I've got all my games installed on HDDs, so when I install a fresh version of Windows on an SSD, I simply install the client (Steam, etc) and point it towards the drive with the games installed. Steam recognises the games are all there, shows them as installed, and then installs pre-requisites the first time that game is launched. Origin says no games are installed, but when you go to download one it then recognises the files are then and sets it up for use. Uplay doesn't recognise anything's there at all. Tell it to download a game and it'll happily empty the game from the folder and dumbly download the whole thing again from scratch.

Might have changed since I installed Windows 10 at launch (my last Windows change) but I doubt it.

Once installed and set up, my only issue with Uplay is that I open it so infrequently to access the 5 games I have on it that it always seem to need an update installing when I do finally open it.
They are all lying, it is very dangerous and abysmal game client. Uplay is notorious for utilising too much RAM and CPU. I will however take the code of your hands for 50p :D
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