UPS is a must? Question about new pc

Somebody said this to me:"Don't waste you money.
That power strip (PLN 29.00 - $8.33 US) , is really just 5 unprotected outlets. It offers some protection, but very little.

It only absorbs 175 joules.
You need something that absorbs 600-700 joules minimum.

It's protection does not kick in until the over voltage reaches 400 volts.
250-300 volts would be much better.

At a minimum, to be protected, you need something like this.

Personally, for my television/surround sound system, I use a combination voltage surge suppressor / power conditioner that costs about $200 US. It does improve the picture quality

For my (expensive) music system, I use a (hospital grade) surge suppressor / power conditioner that costs over $600 US.

For my music system's DAC (Digital Audio Converter) I use a separate, linear power supply / power conditioner ($200 US)"

I dont know if he is little oversensitive? So i must waste my money for a surge protector? I Dont have problems in power in my house.
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