urgent advice required about bills

30 Aug 2004
We have a gas and leccy bill that comes to £120 each between 4 of us. I can pay but a mate still owes me £20 from a bill 4 months ago. (he has now gone home) I will therefore not pay it until I have all the money.

We have had 2 court notices now (1 for gas and one for electric) Can i pay my share to the landlord and avoid the courts stuff or not.

The bills are under the name of 'The occupier' not any names. We are moving out the house at the end of this month


could i ring npower and give them my share of the money in a cheque and be done with my court costs?
Pay the bill, then confiscate all your mates stuff until he pays what he owes.

You dont want to end up with a black mark against your name, which you may already have if you have had 2 letters from the courts.
If it's a shared tenancy then no, you're all equally culpable if it's not paid in full. TBH I would pay the full amount including his share, then give him merry hell trying to get it back (or small claims court if it comes to that). It's not worth being dragged through court over, and you certainly don't want a CCJ on your record if you can avoid it.
The_KiD said:
Pay the bill, then confiscate all your mates stuff until he pays what he owes.

You dont want to end up with a black mark against your name, which you may already have if you have had 2 letters from the courts.

he has gone home -ie gone home with all his stuff. the bills are under 'the occupier' i see no name?

edit - why the **** is is my task to pay these bills off anyway? just because i saved some money
If I were you I would pay the whole amount, you have the money so you may aswell, you dont want to get blacklisted in the future.

I would pay the whole amount and then beat the **** out of your mate until he gives you it. At the end of the day he does owe you that money, you could even make a civil claim against him, I dont see how you could loose as there is no question if hes been living there the whole time, that he owes you that money.
Tell his mum. She'll have more emotional bargaining power than you can possibly contemplate. Mwahaha!
My guess is, the utility companies will chase the house owner if they dont get a reply from anyone and the house owner might end up taking you to court... I would approach the landlord first and offer your share...

I'm owed £180 by an ex housemate who didnt pay his share. Makes me mad to think about it :mad:
Moredhel said:
If it's a shared tenancy then no, you're all equally culpable if it's not paid in full. TBH I would pay the full amount including his share, then give him merry hell trying to get it back (or small claims court if it comes to that). It's not worth being dragged through court over, and you certainly don't want a CCJ on your record if you can avoid it.

I know its hard to live with shared tenancy sometimes, but the above advice is best. To soften the blow, maybe you could share this guys portion between the remaining 3 of you. That way at least you would have 3 people moaning at him.
although this isnt any help. I would have told him when he missed the first payment originally, if you havnt got it within 14 days he is kicked out. Obviously that causes issues if your friends but you gotta do what you gotta do.

Ask the companies for further advice, or maybe even the citizens advice bureu
Had a similar problem,

Unfortunately unless he has some morals he will decide that he's got away with it and not pay, leaving you the problem of an unpaid bill.

Leaving it unpaid may cause the landlord to keep your deposits, or at least enough to cover the unpaid bills. If you're friendly with your landlord you could discuss it with them, we'd organised that she'd pay us the owed money out of his deposit but unfortunately he didn't pay his last rent and she kept it all.

Good luck! :)
Well he is clearly no "mate", that's for sure.

I would phone the Company, tell them the truth and see what they say. If you have his home contact details you may be able to pass them on to the Company and get them to screw him up. Don't feel bad about it, he clearly couldn't give a toss about you.

You could call his parents and explain the situation to them, as this guy is such a prat this might be the wisest option before you call the Company.

Whatever you do, contact the Company before the deadline is up, "manage the debt, don't let the debt manage you"...
When this happened to us in our 2nd year Uni house, we paid the full bill and then asked the landlord to take the amount owing to us from the other housemates deposit :)
i know nothing said:
I would phone the Company, tell them the truth and see what they say. If you have his home contact details you may be able to pass them on to the Company and get them to screw him up.

They wont get involved in personal issues like this. I've been down that avenue and they didnt want to know. All they wanted was the bill to be paid, they didnt really mind who by.
lokkers said:
When this happened to us in our 2nd year Uni house, we paid the full bill and then asked the landlord to take the amount owing to us from the other housemates deposit :)
^ that seems like a good idea!
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