Urgent!! Last minute halloween costume

30 Sep 2008
Ok so i got invited to a to halloween party last minute. Finish work at 15:00 (Moorgate)
but i gotta get a costume.... loads around London when i google but i because its late in the day i dont have time to be looking around.

Anyone know some really good costume shops in London? :D
Go as a banker. Pretty scary how such an ordinary looking person can screw up some many lives.
Pop into the supermarket on the way home, buy tomato juice and a sheet of card, cut card into the shape of an "M" and stick to chest, pour tomato juice over your head. One Menstruation Man costume.
Do you have the following items:

- Tungsten tipped screws that you are never going to use
- A shower curtain
- Some biscuits
- Some ketchup


If so, you're all set to go as a zombie.
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