Urgent: sata disk woes!

1 Feb 2006
Hi guys,

I have just rebuilt my pc into a new case and am having awful problems getting my machine to boot.. I have been told that the Gigabyte mobos cause awful problems when swapping disks etc.. I think i maybe pligged my 3 disks into a different combination of sata sockets and then when i booted up my pc i got NTLDR warnings. I moved some of the cables around and then eventually it booted up ok. I switch my machine off come back tonite and i get the same NTLDR is missing warning. I am ready to throw the machine out the sky light window and am loosing it! cant understand this problem at all.

Anyone any ideas?

I maybe should point out that on my mobo I have two sets of double sata sockets.

My mobo is a gigabyte k8NS-Pro.

Hope i can get this sorted soon as Iv so much coursework on these days!

Cheers in advance
here i am back on my 'bust' machine... removed the other two drives and it boots up the best. Windows has already been installed on this disk so sata drivers should already exist.

I just dont know which sockets i should be using for which disks. The bottom two are GigaRAID i think. I dont run any raid setups. Just have had enuf of all this flicking cables about!
has using a pci raid controller got any benefits over using mobo raid sockets?
I wont be running disks in raid tho so im guessing it wont make any odds.
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