Thanks Raymond, In 2012 i am looking at another FF DSLR, i have 2 580II's now but looking at getting a couple of YN560 to help with my off camera work stuff. Cant afford the triggers you have. In terms of lenses maybe the sigma 85mm 1.4 as a go between my canon 1.8 and the 1.2 you have.
I am not that experienced with off camera work, hence I "cheat" with PW as it works in ETTL, and i can also dial in adjustment on camera with the AC3.
I also have the Canon 85/1.8 as well, I bought that last August but still have it, it is now almost as a spare more than anything. It is mint as it had a filter on from day one plus it is not losing value so might as well keep it.
Cheers Raymond, nice story indeed.
Some reason I always thought I had shot 5 before my first paid one, but been racking my brains all night and I really didn't !
As for shooting weddings, the whether you should jump straight into it or assist. I can't tell someone don't jump straight into it as I did so it would be hypocritical of me to say so. What I do say is that if you are doing it for any money whatsoever, do it properly. It is different if you are a guest, there is much less pressure and you can't be sued although you might ruin your friendship...but my point is that if you are doing it properly then...
Do your homework:-
Read a lot wedding forums threads
Look at lots of wedding photos for inspiriations
Ask for advise
Get the right gear:-
2 bodies, 2 flashes, typically lenses to cover the range from ultra wide 16mm to around 100mm, depending on shooting style. You can just get away with the Brick (24-70L) if the venue is nice and big and you can move around in the church. Although when you are starting out, you will need that flexibility so a zoom is best. When you are more experience a prime becomes second nature and you get into position for the shot without thinking.
Fast lens - 2.8 is a must. I get scared when i hear people shoot at F/4....I often shoot at ISO 2000 at F/1.4 with 1/60th on my 5Dii, what kind of ISO & shutter speed someone would use at F/4 ?! I wouldn't want to even imagine. It is why i rejected the 24-105L from the outset when deciding between that at the 24-70. Experience will tell you that there is no substitue for fast glass.
The insurance:-
Theft, professional indemnity and public liability.
The contract:-
I got mine drawn up by a Barrister that specialises in contract law.
Bottomline - Even if you are a weekend warrior, do it like if your life depends on it.