The Supreme court is now very right wing, they don't Judge on right or wrong anymore they judge on whos putting it through.
Someone's upset the SC isn't full of 'progressive' activists that are going to push through the nonsense the Democrats having been trying on of late...
Roe v Wade, was case law, supposed to be set in stone but the Republicans got lucky and was able to fill it with a majority in their favour, Case law is now no longer any use in the supreme court, they tore up the rule book.
This is absolute nonsense of the highest order.
There had been
233 Supreme Court Decisions overturned before Roe v Wade was overturned.
Not many as an overall % of the decision made but some of the decisions overturned were quite quite notable like
Lawrence v Texas which ruled that in almost all cases that anti sodomy laws (that were mostly used to target gay men) were unconstitutional, contrary to prior decisions.
Should that one of been 'set in stone'?
As always the politicians are playing the voters for fools.
Rather than relying on a Supreme Court Decision that was they knew was always risky the Democrats could have actually codified a federal right to abortion in actual Statue rather than and SC decision.
They had at least two times when they could have done so in the past few decades but didn't
Mostly because by falling to legislate for it they could continue to use it as an election issue because the 'right' to an abortion was always more at risk as long as the didn't legislate for it.
If they really cared for managing the rights of women whilst not going absolutely berserk and allowing the abortion of healthy, viable full or near full term foetuses they could have brought in a law and been like most of the rest of the developed world that allow elective abortions earlier on in pregnancies but have restrictions on later term ones.
Keeping the abortion issue a precarious one suited the Democrats.
No law is safe now, the Republicans can win everything because if anyone rules against them they appeal it all the way to the supreme court who will side with them.
The Supreme Court are just there for checks and balances. Roe v Wade was clearly a stretch to pull a 'right' to abortion from the constitution as it was already written....
The Democrats play you for a fool.
Biden doesn't give a **** about minorities (
remember the racial jungle) or for the rights of gay people...
"Marriage is between a man and a woman and states must respect that.... why do we need a constitutional amendment?"
or any of the other groups the Democrats pander to.
He uses them and in doing so actually hurts them...
Just like the student loan issue.... Biden knew it had little to no chance of getting past the SC but why should he care if it doesn't? Because he'll use it as an election cudgel.
Even Pelosi knew years ago that no president, including Biden, had the power to cancel debts and that an act of congress would always be needed.
Biden knew he was acting in an unconstitutional manner but pushed on none the less because, as his record shows, he a fraudulent con man