I've got a system at home that's got
36GB - Raptor O/S drive
160GB - Samsung data drive
160GB - WD USB 2 external HDD
Now the question is are USB 2 drives able to be used for VMWare data etc. I've got a rid that's certainly powerful enough and has various USB2 ports, but the last thing I want is data corruption due to USB2. The drive was only originally to usb for regular NTBackups of data. Failing this I'll just save for a 250GB Seagate drive
Any thoughts
36GB - Raptor O/S drive
160GB - Samsung data drive
160GB - WD USB 2 external HDD
Now the question is are USB 2 drives able to be used for VMWare data etc. I've got a rid that's certainly powerful enough and has various USB2 ports, but the last thing I want is data corruption due to USB2. The drive was only originally to usb for regular NTBackups of data. Failing this I'll just save for a 250GB Seagate drive
Any thoughts