USB caddy

30 Apr 2007
I want to get a USB caddy.

I understand that you have to use a SATA Notebook style drive and an enclosure. I want it to be cheap but decent speeds with enclosure and size about 40Gb.

Could anyone specify some components needed to make this??
You can get USB caddies which will take just about any kind of HDD - 3.5", 2.5", IDE or SATA.

The benefit of the 2.5" drives is that they can run with just the power available from the USB bus so there's no need for an external power brick but the capacity of 2.5" drives tops out at about 200Gb. Any bigger and you'll need a 3.5" drive and the enclosure will have it's own power supply so portability isn't as good.

The USB bus will limit the speed so the drive doesn't have to be the fastest so if you only need 40Gb then you could either buy:

One of these and one of these (OCUK only do 60Gb +) or there's the pre-built option like this, again there's nothing less than 80Gb.
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