USB/Firewire TV Tuner for Mac

18 Oct 2002
Hi everyone.

Just wondering if there are any USB/Firewire based TV Tuners for Mac OS X.
I'm looking at getting a MacBook Pro, and a Monitor (that 30inch Apple ones looks great).

I'm currently based in Japan, but probably going to come back to UK soon, so I'm wondering what is available in the UK for digital and analogue coverage.
Part of me is thinking of using the Mac+Monitor as part of a media system.
Sharknose said:
Hi everyone.

Just wondering if there are any USB/Firewire based TV Tuners for Mac OS X.
I'm looking at getting a MacBook Pro, and a Monitor (that 30inch Apple ones looks great).

I'm currently based in Japan, but probably going to come back to UK soon, so I'm wondering what is available in the UK for digital and analogue coverage.
Part of me is thinking of using the Mac+Monitor as part of a media system.

remember only the 17" runs a 30" display
Cheers for the info guys...

and yeah, was thinking of getting the 17in MBP anyway (though, I already knew that the 15in MBP's support the 30inch screen).
punky_munky said:
He's thinking of getting a 17" MBP and 30" ACD, I don't think a £99 TV tuner is going to break the bank ;)

I'm not buying them in one batch yer know ;)

MBP first. Then see how we go (personal circumstance etc etc). My sensible side is saying "get the 15.4inch" MBP, especially as I'm thinking of going for the 30inch screen at a later date........ but that 17inch looks so nice, plus the extra connectivity (USB etc) on it. Yummy :) :o
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