USB sticks 'will transform charts'

20 Jan 2004
The singles chart could be set to undergo another revolution.

Scottish band The Fratellis release their new single Baby Fratelli on Monday on a USB memory stick.

The stick fits into the back of a computer and contains not just the track but also the accompanying video. Industry watchers believe that, if they prove a hit with music fans, USB sticks should be eligible for the charts.

It will be another nail in the coffin for the CD, and it could also pave the way for albums to be released on the same format.


Do you think this will catch on?
if the price is right certainly. the charts should be based on music sales after all, the medium used should be irrelevant.
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naffa said:
'Full'? I'm pretty sure there's no such thing as a 'full' quality digital audio format.

naffer where did you pull that from? you know he meant full as in a proper wav file as stored on the cd. he didnt say 'full fat uncompressed straight from the studio' :p
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LewisStuart said:
The singles chart could be set to undergo another revolution.

Scottish band The Fratellis release their new single Baby Fratelli on Monday on a USB memory stick.

The stick fits into the back of a computer and contains not just the track but also the accompanying video. Industry watchers believe that, if they prove a hit with music fans, USB sticks should be eligible for the charts.

It will be another nail in the coffin for the CD, and it could also pave the way for albums to be released on the same format.


Do you think this will catch on?

Totally pointless - a CD is better in every way. If you want to distribute MP3s, why not just stick them on the CD as well? Pretty much all machines with USB sockets also have CD drives and CDs have to be an order of magnitude cheaper than memory sticks.
Wont this be more expensive? I know flash memory is getting cheaper but its still a lot more expensive than a CD :/
Steedie said:
Wont this be more expensive? I know flash memory is getting cheaper but its still a lot more expensive than a CD :/

Twice the price of the CD single by the looks of the link someone posted above. I still cant believe people actually walk into shops and buy CD singles -- they must be mad.
Scam said:
Twice the price of the CD single by the looks of the link someone posted above. I still cant believe people actually walk into shops and buy CD singles -- they must be mad.

And about 4 times the cost of downloading a single from iTunes or similar. I don't know why people would want lots of memory sticks for singles. It would be much better if it was possible to download songs in store directly on to your own pen drive.
Vixen said:
And about 4 times the cost of downloading a single from iTunes or similar. I don't know why people would want lots of memory sticks for singles. It would be much better if it was possible to download songs in store directly on to your own pen drive.
because doing it legally normally ends up in the song being coveered in DRM and therefore takes significantly more battery power to play on portable devices etc, whereas CDs are not normally protected (as much) and therefore are easier to Rip and Burn :)
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