Useful Freeware Utilities

FlashCrypt™- Lock, encrypt and password protect your private files and folders from other users

FlashCrypt™ is an effective and reliable folder security software for Microsoft Windows users. It allows you to lock any folder on your computer with a couple of mouse clicks. Military-grade 256-bit AES algorithm guarantees the highest level of data protection.

Want to securely protect your files? You don't need to be a computer or security expert anymore! FlashCrypt provides extremely easy-to-use, but safe and secure folder protection solution.

Secure 256-bit AES encryption algorithm

FlashCrypt implements 256-bit AES (Rijndael) algorithm to encrypt your private files.

In June 2003, the US Government announced that AES may be used for classified information:

"The design and strength of all key lengths of the AES algorithm (i.e., 128, 192 and 256) are sufficient to protect classified information up to the SECRET level. TOP SECRET information will require use of either the 192 or 256 key lengths. The implementation of AES in products intended to protect national security systems and/or information must be reviewed and certified by NSA prior to their acquisition and use"

Windows Explorer integration

FlashCrypt works from Windows Explorer - just select a folder in Windows Explorer, press right mouse button, click Protect with FlashCrypt and set your password. It will create a locked folder - an encrypted container that looks like the original folder with FlashCrypt logo.

Data mobility
You can easily copy your encrypted container to another disk, flash drive, CD-ROM or send it by email - your data will be still safely protected.

Optional data compression
FlashCrypt allows you to compress your files before they will be encrypted and added to the container. This can greatly save disk space, especially if you plan to copy your locked folder into a pen drive or send it over email.

Password recovery option
As security experts in files and folders protection, we are constantly receiving customer requests to recover lost or forgotten passwords. FlashCrypt has a special option that lets you save the encrypted password along with the protected data. FlashCrypt uses asymmetric cryptography (RSA algorithm) to encrypt your password, which guarantees that nobody but us (FSPro Labs FlashCrypt team) will be able to recover the password.

FREE of charge!

Current version of FlashCrypt is distributed as FREEWARE.

hope the above helps :)
Edited and Updated.....:)


"The Road To Know Where" link a couple of posts ago is simply a post I moved to complete the editing of the first 4 posts...
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Can posters post info along with the link as some url posts only are not informative...and a little lazy.
Tbh how long would it take for you to check the links out yourself? :)

And the idea is that jbloggs has a look at the links and adds them to his thread if he can. He normally adds some info then. :)
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