useless facts

Norbert666 said:
In English pubs, ale is ordered by pints and quarts... So in old England, when customers got unruly, the bartender would yell at them "Mind your pints and quarts, and settle down." It's where we get the phrase "mind your P's and Q's".

I always thought it came from minding your pleases and thankyous.
vonhelmet said:
I always thought it came from minding your pleases and thankyous.

never heard that before but have it heard it was from printers when they had to manually set the things and they had to be careful not to mix the ps and qs up coz they look the same

Although I think your one makes more sense, I always assumed it was to do with manners
jpmonkey69 said:
Polar bears are not white... they're just covered in snow when you see them on TV.

(actually the fur is translucent)

Yep Polar Bears are actually Black (well very dark Grey!!) with Translucent hairs that show the colour of its surroundings!... thats why a Polar Bear in a Zoo is a slightly grey colour!... its the Concrete of its pen!.

How does a Polar Bear play Hide and Seak!?!... it covers its nose and closes its eyes!... :D
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