User Benchmark just updated its CPU ranking structure.
The CPU's ranking was based on 30% Single core performance, 60% Quad core performance and 10% multi core performance.
Now it ranks CPU's based on 40% Single core performance, 58% Quad core performance and 2% multi core performance.
This makes CPU's with more than 4 cores almost completely irrelevant in the rankings while heavily favouring low threaded performance.
User Benchmark are going back to 2003 ladies and gentleman.
Why they did this i'll leave you to decide.
I have my own view, User Benchmark lately has been used a lot to measure CPU performance, Intel very recently have been trying to 'encourage' reviewers away from actually real application performance reviewing, such as Blender and Maxcom Cinema 4D to what
Intel call "real benchmarks" things just like User Bench.
And of course they cannot have AMD's very high core count CPU's showing them up in benchmarks like this so they removed that problem by 'working with people like User Benchmark' to 're-balance' how they rank performance.
I find Intel hilarious, no this sort of crap doesn't worry me at all because everyone can see whats going on and it's really not a good look for them.
On that note, Intel you-are-pathetic, you slimy ####-weasel, you are 4 or 5 times the size and the only way you can 'even the score' is not by innovating and engendering your way out of your current predicament but by moving the goal posts, Intel you Suck!