Using Mac for Indesign

22 Jun 2005
I am thinking of learning to use indesign a little bit to make brochures, why do designers use Apple Macs for this work?

Is there any real advantage over the windows versions?
Not really, as far as I know/can tell, with the current generation of Intel Macs the performance advantage was initially with Windows. With CS4 the difference is negligible.

In the past Macs with their PowerPC architecture were power houses for Adobe products, but its all change on that front. So now Mac designers use Macs because they look awesome. :D
Yeah, there's no advantage of using a Mac over a PC these days for the most part. Some low-level problems occassionally present themselves, but I use a PC at work and I've never had any trouble dealing with printers or clients. Was working on a leaflet in InDesign in Vista the other day as a matter of fact :)

So these days designers tend to use Macs because they look nice, although I'd rather use a PC because it's more adaptable and I find them less restrictive than Macs.
I'm a designer and I use a mac because apart from looking nice, OSX is so much nicer to use day-to-day than windows.


If you've never used windows before perhaps. To me osx is a pain in the ass to use, simply because ive not used it much.
I'm a designer and use Indesign CS3 all day long using a Mac. People are right, there are no real advantages over Macs vs PCs these days. Font problems, PC vs Mac colour issues are all pretty much a thing of the past.

One thing I will say is that some printers who are not setup for handling pdf files for print still only accept 'collected' files (indesign/quark file, pics, fonts etc) and 95%+ of these people use Macs to generate the film/plates needed for print. If you use a PC, it *could* cause some issues, especially around fonts.

Not a deal breaker by any means, but something you should be aware of. Hope that helps, and have fun learning Indesign, its an awesome app. :)
I work in the magazine industry where Macs are the preferred environment. We use a Font Reserve system that, I believe, is Mac only. We've also been through the migration from Quark Xpress (originally a Mac product) to Adobe InDesign - like most publishing houses, I guess - so we had Macs anyway. Does anyone still use Quark, I wonder?

The designers are also used to Macs and probably couldn't cope with an extra mouse button, let alone two. ;)
For CS3, CS4 the difference is nothing.

CS5 will be fully 64bit, so it should fly under OS X :)
Also don't forget stability issues. Macs are more stable, time is money!

That's the key thing for me really - spend forever tweaking Windows to get everything just so or use OS X and just get on with it.

The productivity of workflow probably doesn't change between the two platforms but it's all the time in between that you would be faffing with Windows that makes the difference.

That's the key thing for me really - spend forever tweaking Windows to get everything just so or use OS X and just get on with it.

The productivity of workflow probably doesn't change between the two platforms but it's all the time in between that you would be faffing with Windows that makes the difference.


All this.

I'm self employed graphic designer and I can use both but nothing beats OSX stability. And if i need to test something in windows I just use bootcamp.
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