
16 May 2005
the hood
can someone tell me the best connection settings for

global max number of connections

max num connected peers per torrent

and number of upload slots per torrent

help would be apreciated
I use




Lets me browse the net with no speed issues or delays and I still get top speeds from my 2meg connnection on highly seeded torrents.
I use 50 thousand, 1 thousand and 2.

Aren't I the generous soul? 10kb/s going to 2 people is better than 0.1kb/s going to lots imo.

And the max connections is there for them mega swarms of people who do like their 0.1kb/s uploads. :p
jmahoney said:
can someone tell me the best connection settings for

global max number of connections

max num connected peers per torrent

and number of upload slots per torrent

help would be apreciated

it totally depends on the speed of your internet connection
buachille said:
it totally depends on the speed of your internet connection
That's just what I was gonna say. I could give you my settings I use on my 10Mb NTL line, but if you're on 1Mb it's not gonna be optimised for your connection.

What speed connection have you got?
WotDa said:
And the max connections is there for them mega swarms of people who do like their 0.1kb/s uploads. :p
You're never going to get even close to that amount of connections, and if you did, your pc and broadband would be running like treacle!!!
I would stick to 200 or less on global conns, most routers can't handle much more.

Use 80% of your total upload & seed till you a ratio of 1 or more.

256k - 22kB/s
384k - 35kB/s
448k - 42kB/s
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