Cheers, aiming to keep the numbers stable whilst I cut, any numbers going up is a bonusThings are going well dude, numbers looking good
Saying that, I've gone over my cutting calories this week
5x bar, 5x 60, 5x 80, 5x 100
Feeling weak, time to activate easy mode and put a belt on
3x5x 100
5x bar, 5x 50, 5x 80
Finally a full set of 80, but there's no way I'd manage another set!
3x5x 77.5
10x 60 dropset for funz
7x 60 ultra-wide
Pendlay rows
5x bar, 5x 45, 3x5x 70
Time for some core work, as it was my weak point whilst squatting..
Pullups ending with knee raise
2x5x wide
3x5x narrow
4x5x Ab-wheel roll-outs