Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines - MODS?

Sorry to bump this thread, but I was just thinking about how much I loved the original version. I feel like playing it again and still have my original copy from 2004. I read that it's been heavily patched since release, so is it worth installing my original copy and DLing patches, or is there a version I can DL and play that's already been patched?
Also, if you have a Steam machine, can you play this straight off that?
Sorry to bump this thread, but I was just thinking about how much I loved the original version. I feel like playing it again and still have my original copy from 2004. I read that it's been heavily patched since release, so is it worth installing my original copy and DLing patches, or is there a version I can DL and play that's already been patched?
Also, if you have a Steam machine, can you play this straight off that?

Do you have the key for it with your original manual? If so, you can probably pop that into Steam and it'll hopefully add to your library.
You could just add it as a non steam game, no version exists with the patches as they are not official so you will need to install it and then download the patches. Although I think you only need one as normally the latest unofficial patch has all the fixes built in from memory.
It was given as a freebie with a Greek PC magazine!!! Last Unofficial Patch is 9.2. Pure gameplay joy!
Same there is no (to my knowledge) respectable texture upgrade patch...
I don't think a remake would be able to compare to the original. If they did a remastered version, fully patched, additional content and some decent marketing behind it I'm sure it would sell a lot of copies.
Good to know about the Steam library thing, thanks. I'm sure the original code is still on there.
To make a type of game such as Bloodlines nowadays would cost way too much money (I'm pretty sure one of the ex-devs (RIP) talked about this on Twitter at some point), which is really disappointing (especially seeing as this one isn't hugely popular/well known by modern players).

Personally, I don't think the game needs some form of a remake anyway, it still holds up fantastically, despite the obvious lower res textures, etc.

I just love the way they handles facial animations, and even further, body expression. People leans forwards, move their hands, etc. when they talk, it just adds a whole other level of character expression which really makes them feel alive and memorable. I don't know why more games don't do this; sure facial technology has improved, but they are usually stuck in static positions where the camera is locked onto their face during dialogue, it can feel really stiff.

If you are craving just a little bit of a graphic enhancement, use SweetFX, it just makes the game "pop" a lot more, gives off the city vide even more. It can also be used to inject new types of AA, which helps also.

However, the combat is nothing special really, and I can understand why people say it feels clunky, because it is. It is definitely the most overlooked part of the game by far in my opinion. Sure, it's not terrible by any stretch of the imaginations, I'm quite enjoying playing as a Grangel at the moment, but it could have definitely be improved.

It's a shame really, whenever I play this game, despite it being one of my favourites, I always think "Imagine what this could have been, if it had just another year of development time."
Does this run on Windows 7 now? I remember buying it through steam and then finding out it wasn't supported grrrrr
Runs fine on my Windows 7 laptop.

I try and keep it to just being used on the laptop so I have something to enjoy that I haven't played for a while if I'm away somewhere without internet access.

You could mod it with The Final Nights, but I wouldn't recommend it for a first playthrough, might make it a tad tough. For anyone else who hasn't played through it as this, get it installed! :D
Just got the game and wondered a few things.

1. I have the unofficial 9.3 patch but dunno weather to tick any of the boxes tho i think i want Plus Patch (tweaks and restorations) the rest i dunno. Advise? I wont be replaying this after i complete it once. Never do with any game.

2. I tried playing this game before with my brothers copy, it was interesting but the rpg and powers aspect overwhelmed me and i didnt really know what i was doing i just tried leveling up best i thought i was but im crap with picking stuff. So question is i guess, what is the easiest clan and powers and stuff to be so the whole game plays on easy mode i dont want any trouble fighting or getting through tough parts i just wana enjoy the atmosphere and story not the combat tbh. Not a great fan of stealth either.

Any tips for a returning but failed player of this? I got far but probably not that far compared to the whole game i did the hotel the weird women, some factory i think, some house full of zombies iirc, some sewer thing. Dont remember them all perfectly but thought all but the hotel and the women was boring missions.

I have a 360 pad, should i play with that or kb and mouse?
Just got the game and wondered a few things.

1. I have the unofficial 9.3 patch but dunno weather to tick any of the boxes tho i think i want Plus Patch (tweaks and restorations) the rest i dunno. Advise? I wont be replaying this after i complete it once. Never do with any game.

2. I tried playing this game before with my brothers copy, it was interesting but the rpg and powers aspect overwhelmed me and i didnt really know what i was doing i just tried leveling up best i thought i was but im crap with picking stuff. So question is i guess, what is the easiest clan and powers and stuff to be so the whole game plays on easy mode i dont want any trouble fighting or getting through tough parts i just wana enjoy the atmosphere and story not the combat tbh. Not a great fan of stealth either.

Any tips for a returning but failed player of this? I got far but probably not that far compared to the whole game i did the hotel the weird women, some factory i think, some house full of zombies iirc, some sewer thing. Dont remember them all perfectly but thought all but the hotel and the women was boring missions.

I have a 360 pad, should i play with that or kb and mouse?

This is the image I followed when I started playing:


Played with KB+M, I've thought about it, but there are far too many keys to try and emulate them on a controller.

Unofficial patch is a must as you probably know, basic is probably the best way to go for first/only play through as it keeps everything as vanilla as possible, with only patches n' fixes (which are definitely required). Also make sure the play the game through the .exe shortcut it creates on your desktop when you install the patch - you need to use this for the changes to take effect iirc. However, I do like using the plus version as there are more changes and fixes, but you won't really notice them that much, so if you don't care about playing the game "as it should be", then get plus.

Look at the image above for info about certain clans. There are definitely some that you should definitely stay away from as you can miss most of the game's content if you do so. I personally played as Grangrel for my first time - you're a really basic brawler who can go into a "frenzy" state if you use too many powers/too much damage - useful for spam clicking to defeat enemies, especially since the combat in this game is... "eh" to say the least. It's hard to overlooks this part as it's severely under developed, but give the game some time - the game excels in pretty much everything else apart from combat imo - scale, variety, dialog/script, intelligent, atmospheric, even the music is great. Shame it's hindered by mostly technical problems and combat, but these are somewhat elevated with unofficial patches.
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God damn you guys!:mad:

I've got more games than I'll ever realistically play and then someone bumps this! :mad:
I went with tremere as a lot of ppl seem to think there not bad for first timers. Wasnt sure about stats to spend so looked at some utube vids and that confused me more as they picked different things lol. I think i went with Eerie Presence as google seemed to fav that a lot.

Btw even tho i didnt do it i found out a kinda cheat. When i was making my character i was alt and tabbing a lot to see the video as in play and pause then back to game. This somehow bugged the game so i can add more points than i should be able to. At one point i had nearly a few bars up to level 4-5 lol. But no i was a good bloke and clicked on reset stats when that didnt work i restarted the whole process. But yeah a weird bug to be sure.

I installed the base patch from unofficial patch along with the plus patch to restore content that was intended to be in from the start. Might as well see what the devs intended and stuff.

Now i just gotta play the game now, i hope i dont have to fight too much or if i do i hope them blood magic things i have will be enough cos i read tremere dont fight melee or use weapons much and rely on their ranged magic. I have the blood purge where i drain someone of blood and the other is to make em sick i think (level 2) Control too where i can stun someone for a bit. Dunno what im gona be like with loads of ppl after me tho.
Really a great game, as others have said way up there with Deus Ex for immersion and gameplay.

The only way i would want a remake of this is if it was PC only as consoles being involved always ruins games to many compromises.

Would be nice to replay this with the HTC Vive VR when that comes out if possible being a source game i would have thought it could be done.
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