Varjo Aero

9 Oct 2013
The Varjo Aero has just had it's price reduced by 50% to 990Eur, from all the reviews and features seems like it's an amazing headset. I want to upgrade from my original vive and considered the bigscreen, hp reverb g2 but the price drop has convinced me and just ordered one. 2 -4 weeks delivery though :(

If the below is correct should be a decent upgrade from my Vive

Thanks @Littlenose - This is the link for the redshift patch

Red shift fix - Thanks @wickfut

Press [WINDOWS KEY]+R and type in "CMD" in the little search box which opens.
A black window opens
Type "cd Program Files\Varjo\varjo-compositor" to go to the correct directory.
(if it doesn't happen then type "CD.." a few times to get to just a "C:" directory

Type: "OpticalAdjustment.exe --value=-0.3"
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Nice I was considering others like the bigscreen but not sure about the long term of the rubber? face cover and ability to share it, the pimax sounds like the software isn't great yet and the battery as well. Stand alone are good but not sure if they could just remove pcvr ability or an update break it as often seems like a secondary function. The only other was the reverb but this just sounds like it has more to offer.
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It sounds like most headsets likely have issues, and as long as the company is good to deal with them that is great. I had some on my current one or thought I did and it was just eye floaters or whatever they are called, so just ignored them
I heard on a few reviews and videos, can't remember which, that they just thought it was too high priced, but I would imagine they want to to take customers from Pimax. Another thing which may be worth considering is people saying it doesn't work with AMD cards, not sure why though
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Mine has just arrived and the image is amazing, having some steam game issues so trying to resolve them, seems like the are not displaying in the display but only on the monitor. Tried several things so need to try some other things. Tried a couple of games that worked and initial display is stunning.

Also took 4 working days and no additional custom fees to pay, it was the 990Eur and uk tax only, which is shown at checkout
Ok so a quick review have some issues with the steam overlay and integration not always working or blocking the Varjo plugins in steam VR, Asseto corsa comp. will not start but have seen lots of video so likely all this may be down to a config issue somewhere, tried a steam vr re-install as well as some games that had issues, half life alyx would no start so had to start with -autoconfig and now that works and the games that do work all I can say is wow, the image is amazing sort of like using a great quality 1440p screen but VR.

Automobilista 2 and american truck sim are both amazing the dials are fully visible. I suspect maybe as I had a vive installed before this something may be conflicting so may look to do a windows re-install. I'm on win11 but says compatible. Tempted to try going back to windows 10 fresh install to test. I see the hardware as great and the software is good and hopefully keeps getting improved

There's a fan blowing inside across the lens and this is on all the time and takes some getting used to, it has no control\power save mode which seems like a bit strange.

Overall first impressions are good and as long as you are prepared to do some config setup it's brilliant ... for now I'll need to do more testing oh the hardship :D
Yes it's on a 3080, I have just finished a new Windows 10 install and it seems better now, the games I tried seem to load correctly, Assetto Corsa Competizione looks stunning as does pretty much everything. One thing I noticed which I saw someone say in a video is I now notice that a lot of vr textures are not great :D Just need to setup MS Flight sim now
I have only used an original vive, and a pico 4 for a day, and it's about the same as the vive and I think less than the Pico, I have no issues racing with it, the vertical is a little low but again not really noticed unless I look for it.

Just in case anyone is thinking of the pros and cons, covered in other videos

Pros is the screen and resolution, weight and feel, definitely a high end piece of kit and amazing image quality. Eye tracking but not sure if anything really uses this apart from lowering the resolution quality outside of the where you are looking. The company does business VR and this is based off that so I feel confident that they will keep it updated and built on good experience

Cons, no sound so have to use a 3.5 mm on the side\left, this may be the same as other non vive but you have to run their software for the headset and then steamvr but once running seems fine, one or two games wouldn't show the steamvr overlay but most issues are likely software and hopefully fixed later on. It doesn't shut down unless you close their software and the fan is always on but sound isn't noticeable really and it can possibly dry your eyes a bitif used for a long period of time but not noticed it myself.

I feel like it's a big enough jump from my Vive without feeling like a side step, not a pico\quest where I feel SteamVR, which I mainly want, isn't a side thought and could possibly have issues or be removed with an update.

VRCompare website has some comparison for FOV etc
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Strange I find mine to be great and I think I have now got it setup nicely, nothing major just Highest res in the base software, still deciding if to cap FPS to 45, I feel the brightness is too much and lowered to 50% seems good for me. In SteamVR I lowered the video\resolution to about 70% again still trying to find the best overall so I don't have to be changing per application. I don't use the desktop app much, only to launch games and seems good enough.
Don't have issues myself but would like to know how the return process goes, just if people are considering it, the way a company handles support is important
Just if any use to anyone, I had a vive delxue audio headset and decided to re-use the headphones from it on my Aero

I used the 3d files from here 3D Files
And had them printed here 3D printers using 3Designz as they were recommended and a lot cheaper than everywhere else.

Build quality seems great and I managed to get 2 X Left 2 X right and 1 X L+R of the square adapters for about £13 shipped.
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Hopefully you enjoy it, it took me a little bit to just get used to the Aero is separate from steam vr but once got used to that it's great, the vive original was all in one.
Gutted, hate when that happens, at least have it before the weekend. I had something similar with them as think they use electric vans and had to take it back to charge
Yeah it's one thing that takes a bit of getting used to as there are essentially two resolutions that need to be set I find setting highest in the Varjo base software, along with capping at 45fps, then in the steam VR app changing the resolution in the settings to the best for the gpu, generally for me seems to be around 70-90 and still looks great. I also set motion smoothing on if the app supports it.
I'm still very happy with mine, not had any issues, some software\games but these are only minor issues likely down to updates etc. The only slightly negative thing is sometimes some stutter or jitter but not sure what this is related to, probably game performance
That's annoying, it will still work and hopefully the base software still has support, but obviously any software improvements won't happen after that. Still very happy with mine and think it's a great device for me.
Also look at some of the things the community do such as euvr and who knows what will come along. Ideally I would like them to really push stability and performance for the next couple of years
I had a similar issue with the update so rolled back to 3.10. More worryingly I had the right eye show what is like old crt coloured static and I had to reset\reseat the USB cable which resolved it, I raised an issue with them and they think it may be a cable VR box issue so going to send me replacements. Hopefully not a permanent issue :(
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