VASSAL 40k Season 2

It might not be worth doing tomorrow. I thinnk the problem with my conection cutting out was due to a shoddy wifi connection to the router so I've ordered a couple of powerline network adaptors. Hopefully that'll sort it out so probably best resuming once I have those? I should have them by Tuesday but will be free Wednesday or Thursday if that's good for you?

I'm not sure if its worth a try tomorrow. I've had constant problems with it today :(
Here's a brief report on my and Brabbinho's game. Currently at the start of orks 2nd turn. Please bear with the typos, poor spelling/grammar etc. Just quickly typed it up now :p

Rolled for warlord traits. The imperial Guard rolled Inspiring Presence and the Orks, counter attack.

The battle mission was 'suprise attack' so the orks had to deploy in the centre of the map with no unit being within 6 inches of another.

Mission details;

Surprise Attack (For this mission the Space Marines are played by the defending army, the enemy is the Ork player)

No change

Attackers can only put up to 50% in reserve

First Turn:
Attackers always go first

Primary Objective
1 point for each HQ unit destroyed
1 point for each troop and dedicated transport
2 points for all other units

Secondary Objectives:
First Blood
Ork Specific (Ork player gets 1VP for each unit that is alive and not fleeing at the end of the battle)
Attacker specific (extra victory point for each character kill)

Special Rules:
Orbital Assault and Home Ground remain the same. In addition Orks may re-roll any charge roll during the battle.

The lootas took up cover in the ruins, covering the north and south approaches along with a unit of boyz. 2 other boyz units deployed within the battlewagons acting as a reactionary force to which end the Imperial Guard will attack from.

Turn 1.

The imperial guard began the battle entering the southern edge of the board. 2 Le Man Russ (Punisher and Executioner) a guards platoon and the company command.

Catching the orks unawares, the Imperial Guard opened up on the exposed orks. The gattling gun on the Punisher Leman Russ roared into life firing 20 shots at the orks boyz positioned by the trees, inflicting 9 wounds. The side mounted heavy bolters caused another 5 wounds. In total the Punisher killed 14 boyz, green limbs and ork dead littered the field.

Spurred on by this the Executioner fires onto the rear of the boyz deployed in the north with their back exposed killing 4 boyz.

The commander of the guardsmen bellowed out ‘front rank fire!’ to his troopers resulting in 16 shots on the lootas in the southern ruins, dropping 3 of them.

The lootas having sustained 50% casualties broke rank and ran. In true ork fashion, they ‘fled’ towards the enemy!! (closest board edge).
The boz, having sustained 14 casualties stood their ground, not perturbed by their losses.

Now it was the Ork’s turn to retaliate!

A unified roar from the orks erupted across the battlefield and the orks attacked! The lootas rallied.

The battlewagons kicked into life, and advanced towards the enemy. Ork boyz disembarked in front of the puny humies. The ravaged boyz squad advanced into the cover of the trees.

The rallied lootas fired with everything they had firing nine shots with their deffguns at the flank of the Executioner but scoring only 1 glancing hit.

The boyz jumping off the back of the battlewagon opened up on the guardsmen dropping 5.

Within spitting distance to the guardsmen, the boyz charged the thin green line. Leading by example the Nob dismembered 3 troopers with as many strokes from his choppa. The guardsmen were able to kill 2 orks before the remaining 2 soldiers were butchered. First blood to the Orks!
End of turn 1, Imperial Guard 0 Orks 2.

Turn 2.

Imperial reinforcements were called in. The Vendetta, armed with twin linked las cannons enters the northern edge of the battlefield and additional infantry enter from the south. Marbo was still his amasec and his lho sticks and was not ready for the fight

The Vendetta fires onto the rear of the battlewagon and scores 3 penetrating hits. All 3 hits pass through the Big Mek’s bodged kustom force field. The battlewagon explodes, killing 6 on board and 2 from the boyz nearby and inflicting a wound on the Nob.

The guard unit having witness bloody slaughter of their comrades in front of them open fire. The heavy flamer grills 4 orks including the Nob.
The newly arrived guardsmen fire on the lootas, wiping them out.

The Exterminator fires upon the lootas in the north and kills 3.

The punisher having pivoted to meet the new threat of by the boyz unloads a salvo of hot lead but ‘only’ notches up an additional 6 kills this time.

The lootas to the north and the boyz in the middle pass their leadership tests. Nothing is going to stop them from cracking human skulls.

Orks turn

After being blown from the battlewagon, the boyz gather themselves and advance towards the Punisher. The boyz in the south east move through the trees.

Current score: Imperial Guard 3 Orks 2.

To be continued.....

I'll do a proper job of it once then battle is finished :p
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it's not an obvious change, it's because it's a Heavy vehicle now in 6th so it follows those rules instead of the ones in the codex. It's in the faq.
Think this bit is the passage:

"SHOOTING WITH Heavy Vehicles:
For the purposes of determining which weapons a Heavy
vehicle can fire (and at what Ballistic Skill), Heavy vehicles are
always treated as having remained Stationary"

The accuracy of the weapons a vehicle can fire in the Shooting
phase depends on how fast it has moved in that turn's
Movement phase, as detailed below. Vehicles always have the
Relentless special rule.
. A vehicle that remained Stationary can fire all of its
weapons (temember that pivoting on the spot does not
count as moving).
. A vehicle that moved at Combat Speed may fire a single
weapon using its full Ballistic Skill. The vehicle can also
fire Snap Shots with other weapons if it wishes. Though,
of course, it cannot fire any weapons that cannot be fired
as Snap Shots.
. A vehicle that moved at Cruising Speed can only make
Snap Shots, as above.

VrgrcrEs & OnnNeNcE'WEaPoNS
Unlike other units, vehicles can move and fire with Ordnancr:
weapons. However, a vehicle that fires an Ordnance weapon
can only make Snap Shots with its other weapons that turn.
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If they fire an ordnance weapon then the rest are snap shots.

In our battle as they moved less that 6 inches they count as stationary so can fire all weapons normally, I believe?
Oh **** I lost track of time :P

Yeah I forgot you weren't using the standard battle tank.

So I'm lost on ideas for the final game, does anyone fancy using Joel's army?
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