How on earth is that published stuff contrary to anything I said, do you know what it shows, and how it relates to what you said. as in it doesn't relate to anything.
Again for a start read your link on the 5aday website about smoothies, then read up on blood sugars, and a whole host of other info. then come back and tell me what you learnt.
Ate you really sitting there with a straight face, honestly believing that much sugar in such a short time as a snack is good for you, if so lol.
Shop brought smoothies are neither fresh nor healthy and as such should not be in tax free allowance.
If you want smoothies make it your self, choose lower sugar fruit, like most berries and have smaller portions. Better still snack on something with a better nix if nutrition that won't spike blood sugars and will actually make you feel full longer.
And that's ignoring the smoothies enamel stripping acidity. again on you own link. Innocent mango and passion fruit, stripped more enamel than coke. On top if that it's not even whole fruit, which means you get the sugar without all the fibre and other parts. Take the strawberries and banana out of the 6 fruits, 4 of them are just the juice. again refer to heat your own link days about such things. Hint the 5 a day link.