Welcome to Vault 76.
Its been a while since I managed to find the time to squeeze in a build in between my manic worklife! Following off the back of my Vault 111 build, I want to continue the 'battle hardened' style, with actual damage, dinks, holes all the gory bits, not just vinyl stickers and paint.
This time around, something different and something to challenge my skills, I am going with a glorious N-CASE M1 v5.0 Massive thank you to Joshua and Dan SFF Lab for generiously providing the case and allowing me to 'distress' it!
First job was to get some work done on the case.... on to the fun stuff!!!
The M1 is absolutely STUNNING. The build quality is second to none, every panel is removable, the finish is spotless and all the accessories will allow me to have endless options for cooling, storage and GPU choice
Now, on to some distressing...
Rough dremelling on the front to get the Vault 76 text cut out, I will mount some clear, sanded acrylic to add some nice back glow to the front.
I felt the front needed breaking up a little, so I added some rough black spray paint on the front and sanded it back down and added some rough files cuts and acetone to loosen the still wet paint
Its not very Fallout-y, but I realllly like the red LED glow on the front, on Vault 111 I used blue and yellow as the dominant colours to contrast the black and silver, I am digging the red this time around though.
That it for the moment, I have the side panel window cut out and will finish the acrylic this weekend and add some vinyl decals with additional weathering too!
Thanks for looking.
Welcome to Vault 76.
Its been a while since I managed to find the time to squeeze in a build in between my manic worklife! Following off the back of my Vault 111 build, I want to continue the 'battle hardened' style, with actual damage, dinks, holes all the gory bits, not just vinyl stickers and paint.
This time around, something different and something to challenge my skills, I am going with a glorious N-CASE M1 v5.0 Massive thank you to Joshua and Dan SFF Lab for generiously providing the case and allowing me to 'distress' it!

First job was to get some work done on the case.... on to the fun stuff!!!
The M1 is absolutely STUNNING. The build quality is second to none, every panel is removable, the finish is spotless and all the accessories will allow me to have endless options for cooling, storage and GPU choice
Now, on to some distressing...
Rough dremelling on the front to get the Vault 76 text cut out, I will mount some clear, sanded acrylic to add some nice back glow to the front.
I felt the front needed breaking up a little, so I added some rough black spray paint on the front and sanded it back down and added some rough files cuts and acetone to loosen the still wet paint
Its not very Fallout-y, but I realllly like the red LED glow on the front, on Vault 111 I used blue and yellow as the dominant colours to contrast the black and silver, I am digging the red this time around though.
That it for the moment, I have the side panel window cut out and will finish the acrylic this weekend and add some vinyl decals with additional weathering too!
Thanks for looking.