Veganism: Thoughts?

9 Apr 2012
Hi all,

I'm become a vegan over the last couple of weeks. I just cannot stand the cruel treatment of animals in the food industry. I think it's disgusting.

I respect anyone who eats meat, drinks milk, etc. so I just wanted to get your opinions on veganism and vegetarianism?
Yeah veggies I can understand but veganism (sp?) seems to me (just my opinion) a bit 'oooh look how much I care about everything' like you're making such a big deal out of vegetarianism that your're going one step further.
If animal cruelty is your reason for your decision then veganism is the only way forward; the animals involved in dairy produce are often worse treated than those in the meat trade. This makes vegetarianism for the reasons surrounding animal cruelty kinda hypocritical in a way.

That being said, I totally agree that it can be disgusting. For this reason I only eat almost exclusively meat & animal products from trusted sources (butcher where I know how the animal was raised - eggs also from here. Fishmongers who can tell you everything about their catch).

However sometimes it is impossible to know.
While I can agree with you, some (hell most) animals are treated disgustingly to be honest I think Veganism, does damage in its own way.

Ditching animal products, leather, wool, means replacing them with synthetics. Usually oil derived plastics. This is directly damaging to the environment, the stuff just doesn't biodegrade like my wool sweater will.

My bit on this is a bit skewed I will admit. I only eat British meat/eggs as far as realistically possible but ... While you are not eating animal products, you are eating more veg/grains etc, most of that will be imported. So unless you only eat in-season or frozen your food milage will be higher. Obviously this isn't great for the environment.

Honest question. How do you feel about the lab-grown frankenburger? Real meat grown without an actual animal. It could, in theory, be more productive, better for the environment and cut out the need to abuse the cows.

Less seriously. If the whole world went vegan, you would be swapping bad treatment of animals for genocide. Farmers will have no reason at all to keep livestock. And when did you last see a wild sheep?

EVEN less seriously. If you like animals so much, why are you eating all their food?
Something I just remembered actually: there is a theory that some animals (cows particularly I think it was) allowed themselves to be exploited to ensure their survival. The theory goes that they would have become extinct long ago if it weren't for us, so in a way, we help them.

This isn't changing my opinion on being a vegan (although I do chop and change: I've only been a vegan for a few months, on and off), but I do like to give a balanced argument as much as possible.
I support your cause, but cows did not make a conscious decision between themselves to be exploited to ensure their survival.
I can understand certain parts of it for animal cruelty reasons but there seems to be no good reason to stop using animal products entirely. Just make sure what you buy comes from ethically suitable for you sources. For it example it's not at all hard to get properly free range eggs from places where you can see how the chickens are kept.
It's the best thing you can do for your own health and the environment/animals, welcome to the party ;) as long as you keep your diet varied and make sure you supplement vitamin B12 (which is often fortified in soya milks anyway) you will feel ace ;)

It's disgusting the way people jump on this with the comments above, I'm sure they will enjoy their bowel cancer and the suffering of animals for their fat bellies :rolleyes:
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Anyone considering Vegetarianism/Veganism for environmental reasons needs to check their facts. It's been proven not better environmentally as it effectively destroys diverse natural habitat in order to provide human food crops.

If you don't like the thought of killing animals that's fair enough, but there's no valid medical or environmental reason to do it.
Anyone considering Vegetarianism/Veganism for environmental reasons needs to check their facts. It's been proven not better environmentally as it effectively destroys diverse natural habitat in order to provide human food crops.

If you don't like the thought of killing animals that's fair enough, but there's no valid medical or environmental reason to do it.

Source? The production of vegetables is far less damaging than the methane and devastation caused by dairy farming, google it :rolleyes:
It's disgusting the way people jump on this with the comments above, I'm sure they will enjoy their bowel cancer and the suffering of animals for their fat bellies :rolleyes:

I'm happy for anyone to be a vegan as long as they're not judgemental and have a superior attitude, like the crap I've quoted above.
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