Veganism: Thoughts?

Source? The production of vegetables is far less damaging than the methane and devastation caused by dairy farming, google it :rolleyes:

No, actually you need to google more intelligently. The assertion you just made makes the classic mistake of vested interests and pseudo-science by comparing best-case scenarios for crop production to worst-case scenarios for dairy farming, assuming that land used for cattle is always suitable for crops (hint: it isn't) and ignoring the knock-on impact of transferring to crop production.

Here's just ONE of the proper studies done on the subject:

This study is specific to Australia but the studies have shown similar effects in Europe and South America (where virgin rainforest is chopped down for crops - where's your environmentally friendly aspect to that?).

Basically you'll save lots of cows, but kill lots of non-domesticated animals by doing so. I know what I'd rather protect.
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It's disgusting the way people jump on this with the comments above, I'm sure they will enjoy their bowel cancer and the suffering of animals for their fat bellies :rolleyes:

I consume a large amount of chicken and tuna as part of a controlled diet in order to shrink my belly. :confused:

It's about the worst thing you can do for your health! Carb/sugar Junky!:rolleyes:

I consume a large amount of chicken and tuna as part of a controlled diet in order to shrink my belly. :confused:


Only if you choose to eat carbs/sugar a lot???
It's hardly mandatory

Tuna has mercury in it and the way it is fished is destroying sealife and chicken hasn't had a great life and no doubt pumped full of salty water
Utterly pointless and makes a balanced diet very hard, possible certianly but you have to be far more aware and plan properly,
The reason its pointless, is if you dont like the treatment, then shop better. I know exactly which farms my meat comes from, how its grown etc. and if you dont agree with farmi ng at all, lots of wild game you can get your hands on with no suffering. One mine they're in the wild, the next second they're dead.
And dont forget how cruel nature is without our help. Nature isnt nice.
Tuna has mercury in it and the way it is fished is destroying sealife and chicken hasn't had a great life and no doubt pumped full of salty water

They've long since gone back on the mercury claims.

And it depends where you buy stuff from. Chicken I eat has had a nice life and isnt pumped with anything.
I personally think it's stupid to be a vegetarian but not a vegan. I'd go as far as to say it would make more sense to cut out all milk, eggs, dairy products etc, but still eat meat from animals that have had good lives. The spoilt pig company or whatever it's called where the pigs live 'happy' until they are killed humanely.

Essentially if you're vegetarian it's either because you dislike the cruelty of animals or you don't like the taste. Well the cruelty of animals doesn't stop at meat production, and as I say above, the cruelty is often far worse in the production of animal(non-meat) products.

I am neither a vegetarian or vegan but I am considering it, especially when the alternative products are of a really high standard nowadays (and sometimes tastier).
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As above, vegetarianism is hypercritical as dairy animals tend to suffer the most. E.g., cows are repeatedly forcefully inseminated, any male calf born (and there will be a lot) will be killed (if not force-fed milk and slaughtered as white veal).

However, veganism is also stupid. If you are against cruelty to animals there are plenty of humane resources for good meat. E.g., the deer population in the UK is far above historic natural levels because mankind have eliminated all predators (wolves and bears). The deer population is causing massive damage to the ecosystem, ultimately killing other animals. Therefore it is important and ethical to regularly cull the deer population to keep it in check. You can leave the carcass to rot, which is questionably unethical, or harvest the meat, which is unquestionably ethical.

Likewise, you can hunt things like grey squirrels that are decimating the native red squirrel population to the point of extinction. Killing and eating grey squirrels is a perfectly ethical source of meat.

And then you can buy ethically sourced beef and such like quite easily in the UK.

It is also very easy to raise your own chickens, harvest fresh eggs from chickens that you have personally looked after to ensure they are happy and lived a life free from torment or torture. When the chicken dies of old age you can then roast it without any ethical considerations.

There is then the issue that being a human in a develop country means that regardless of the animals you may or may not eat you are savaging the planet, polluting our environment to the brink of destruction, plundering the last remnants of resources and enslaving millions of children into child labour.

Slaughtering a few animals a year on your behalf is the least of the problems you face ethically.

Your only solution beyond killing yourself and your children is to remove yourself totally from modern society. Buy some land and live off of it, grow and raise all your own food, don't use any electricity or modern conveniences, don't drive, don't use anything plastic, don't use any modern medicines, don't travel. And even then, you are impacting the planet, destroying natural vegetation, producing CO2 and methane.
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