Vertex 4!!!!!! Vertex 4!!!!!! - BUY NOW!!!!!!

I would personally go with the Intel 520 Series for Warranty purposes alone, the drive is similar speeds to the Samsung in most cases where in some cases its faster, others it is not. I suppose it all depends on what your using it for but as a day to day PC with the odd bit of photoshop, gaming and video editing I would go with the Intel. :)

Agree, Intel are fantastic. Been thinking if getting the 520 as my primary and relegating the Corsair Force 3 for FSX.
The Vertex shows a "max case" with 500MB/s write.. check AS SSD which shows not just compressed but "all" data, its 30% or so faster at least and in write speeds on the 4K 65THRD sector it scores 3x as fast! Thats your windows files right there, its VERY fast thats fore sure! :D

Probably true, but I bet you couldn't blink in that 30% gap for boot up time....

Also, reliability is.... Interesting.... For the ocz SSDs...

Until the next-gen-interface SCSI-Express or NVM-Express drives come out I'll stick with my Corsair F120's - no point battering at the 6Gbps limit - all drives will perform approximately the same until then.

They need to fix those firmware performance/power consumption bugs PDQ too.
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this, i will only use crucial, reliable and fast!
i have used the intel ssd's they are good as well, gone through two corsair ssd's in in four months...... never again

Have to agree about crucial and intel. I had all sorts of issues with corsair, now I'll only use intel. I'd consider crucial next time... Maybe...

To be fair, corsair seem to have fixed the issues with my force 3 with the latest firmware update...

Damnation....I have an old MSI Fuzion Mobo with the SATAIII controller integrated in Marvell® 88SE9128 chipset. Or in other words an useless pos.

Looks like i'll have to get a new mobo first then my Vertex 4....Hmmmph not happy....

Well I am....but still.. wooooo new mobo..I wanted to be the first guy in all the battlefield maps :(
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Damnation....I have an old MSI Fuzion Mobo with the SATAIII controller integrated in Marvell® 88SE9128 chipset. Or in other words an useless pos.

Looks like i'll have to get a new mobo first then my Vertex 4....Hmmmph not happy....

Well I am....but still.. wooooo new mobo..I wanted to be the first guy in all the battlefield maps :(

just use the intel sata2 ports,you wont notice any realworld difference
Looks no quicker than the corsair performance pro but costs more?

Different controller, certain situations its a smidge slower, most its 20% + quicker.

Its a "real usage" drive rather than a "look at me I do 500MB/s all the time when i dont" drive...
Have ocz done anything to try and combat there failure rates with this drive?

The corsair performance pro is not a look at my max read/write speed drives, it's arguably the best all round performer. Here's some real world tests, the vertex 4 gets easily beaten and the seemingly high read/write figures don't translate into real world performance.

its a 128mb m4 in that test and the 256mb is faster andmay well beat the corsair drive
also crucial rma is 2 days
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The corsair uses the same controller as the m4 with tweaked firmware. It's quicker than an m4 of the same size.
The corsair uses the same controller as the m4 with tweaked firmware. It's quicker than an m4 of the same size.

Different NAND and F/W, a smdge slower overall on Reads than an M4 but much quicker on Writes.

V4 is still faster.

Remember how the M4 was "slower" than the Vertex 3 but in reality much quicker? Same situation here.
OCZ Vertex 4 on This Week Offer 128gb is now £129!

Which is the better buy Crucial M4 128gb or OCZ Vertex 4 128gb at this price !?!
Andrew/RJ/gibbo: How come Intel isnt in the manufacturer drop down list when searching for SSDs?

It depends where your looking. If your in components it may not be as itll be in the drop down section for SSD in Storage. (or other way around) Thats a small issue with the website from what I can see that we are aware of.
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