
28 Mar 2005
Drunken badger punching
I'm currently sprawled on the sofa, waiting for an 'attack' of vertigo to subside. I'm putting it down to bending in all sorts of positions whilst cleaning the cars this morning and it having some strange affect on my ears or something. I feel like I've had 8 pints, and am hoping I don't feel sick like I did the last (and only other) time I had this. It came on when I was driving home after picking up some oil for the car. Not bad, but I knew it would get worse. I think it's subsiding now though.

Has anyone else experienced vertigo? It's not very much fun is all I can glean from having it.
Yes I suffer from it. You can induce it in anybody. i refer you to what is called the caloric test.

Interesting. Needless to say I won't be trying that test!

I'm over the worst of it now, but got near to the point of throwing up. I hope I don't have another episode any time soon!

How often do you suffer from it ethan?
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