Very cheap hosts/shared server?

31 Oct 2012
Glasgow, Scotland
I found hosting on ebay for £1

Basically everyone that sells hosting this cheap are just resellers, one guy rents a server and sells space on as unlimited* to resellers for say US$10-20/year, then those resellers sell it on again, in this case for £1. The chain can go deeper and include what are called Master Resellers (can create reseller accounts) and I've even seen 'Alpha Master Reseller', so there could be 1-3 people between you and the actual admin.

You could be fine for a year or so but eventually the server's going to become slow and practically unusable. That said, if it's no real issue for you (e.g just hosting something personal that won't be used very often) then by all means take advantage of something that's almost free, just make sure you make regular back-ups (or whenever you update something) in-case they do disappear.

*Some will opt for the term 'unmetered', it just means that you can use as much space as you want but once the HDD is full that's it (some will add more space but it's never actually unlimited of course) and will typically have some sort of AUP where you can't store too many images, large files etc.
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17 Apr 2006
Check out Vidahost.

£17 a year plus 10% off with code JUSTASK

Yoiks! That gave me 20% off a .com domain, so I registered it for 7 years. Thanks. :) I also chose Vidahost for my hosting (all my eggs in one basket). For anyone else wondering, I've had a great experience with them so far. I thought 34SP's customer service responses were quick until now.

I was with 34SP but I'll ditch them completely as they keep jacking up their prices for the smaller accounts - from £18 to £32 in 3 years - and when I complained about this they told me they'd be getting rid of my account type completely soon (when would I have known?). I was a 34sp evangelist so it's their loss. :/

I also had a play with Amazon S3 but as I can host up to 6 domains on my Vidahost account I don't think I'll need it yet.
16 Jun 2003
I don't think Vida's shared hosting prices have changed over the last 6 years. Not one penny. In fact they've kept the prices the same and added more stuff in - for free, if I remember, like R1Soft. It probably gives them fewer support phone calls - which is the smarter way to do things. Not quite sure how they manage to do this as they always seem to be investing in new servers and making the servers more efficient.
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