Very limited 10x units OCZ Vertex 2E 240GB - £89.99inc!

Big doggy doodoos!!!
Just got home from work and spotted this. Missed out by 55 minutes FFS!


EDIT: Have to keep my eyes open, I mised another etailer doing the Kingston 256GB V200 for the same sort of price a couple of days ago too.
I'm 'avin the next one that comes up... (hearty fistshake)
If you still have stock that you need to shift for £90 I'm sold, but not for £140. :(
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That is not fair!! I cannot believe I didn't see this!!! Perfect opportunity and I missed it!! Dang it!!

Any chance of another epic deal like this to happen soon. Dammit!!
sigh, checked this thread out way too late, as i am in the market for a ssd. looking at the m4, but that offer looks way too good to turn, down,

well done to the people that got the drive for that awesome value price.
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