Very old (Very beige) OCUK build

25 Jun 2008
Been meaning to drop a picure or two of this but didn't know if it would be of any interest.

Think its a 2000ish era build with a Athlon (thunderbird I imagine) Abit KT7A or similar and a boggo GF2 MX.

Not very exciting really as retro stuff goes but thought it would be of some interest as its a build from when I guess OCUK was just starting out.


Its a mess currently needs stripping and rebuilding.

The USB add in card ***** the bed if you try and copy files larger than 500mb I seem to remember!

Has anyone a older OCUK system ha ha
By about 2002 you were able to get rounded IDE ribbons which made cable management a lot neater. I do have some pictures of my first build from around this time but there hosted on Photobucket and I'm apparently over my limit and need to pay a annual subscription. Fortunately I have them saved on my PC and if I remember I'll post them when I get home

Just looking at that USB deck 'Hi-Speed' sure by Hi-Speed you mean all of 1 Mb's :cry:
Been meaning to drop a picure or two of this but didn't know if it would be of any interest.

Think its a 2000ish era build with a Athlon (thunderbird I imagine) Abit KT7A or similar and a boggo GF2 MX.

Not very exciting really as retro stuff goes but thought it would be of some interest as its a build from when I guess OCUK was just starting out.


Its a mess currently needs stripping and rebuilding.

The USB add in card ***** the bed if you try and copy files larger than 500mb I seem to remember!

Has anyone a older OCUK system ha ha

Thats a powerhouse compared to my Epson PC AX2 (pre-dated OCUK by over 10 years?) .... although it was DOS of course, I had an early mouse which would literally do things with run-time windows software. Crazy stuff back then.
ai0EUxk.jpg KiYVtLm.jpg
This reminds me I really ought to throw out some of the rubbish I have lying around, realistically I can't see me ever using an IDE cable again.

I've still got a P3-650E guarenteed to 866mhz I bought from OcUK in a drawer somewhere.
realistically I can't see me ever using an IDE cable again.

I keep telling myself this - I have a shoebox sized box of just IDE cables and like two dozen PS2/USB adapters, etc. amongst other stuff I've kept :(

No idea on the number of VGA/DVI adapters but probably around two dozen as well.

EDIT: Though I do a bit of electronics stuff so it is useful to scavenge parts and cables like that to reuse on projects.
Geeze, 4x USBs, what on earth were they used for then? I literally cannot remember, i'm not old enough thankfully :D
USB was beginning to become popular by then. Printer, scanner, modem, mouse, and they're all used up. You may not be old enough now, but one day you will be, then you'll have to explain RGB to all the kids.
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