Very rarely do i have to turn the radio off......

Though it was quite funny until I got to the 'step on a landmine' bit. Not quite so funny if you've lost limbs, been disfigured for life.

Im quite easy going but, really. Can you make fun out of landmines when civilians are still been blown to bits? Not impressed. What next a joke about someone been macheted to death.
Do you mean Sexy Back or his actual new one? His brand new one was played on the radio and is quite melodic. Decent tune.
Gilly said:
Do you mean Sexy Back or his actual new one? His brand new one was played on the radio and is quite melodic. Decent tune.

I meant Sexy Back. I've not heard his new one yet, will listen out for it. I've just thought of Busta Rhymes - I Love My Chick, which is another recent one I have to switch off or over when it comes on.
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