very very strange problems

28 Dec 2010
Right to cut a long story short i bought a joblot of towers and flatscreens
All the falstscreens worked and all but 2 of the towers worked.

I booted Tower 1: started xp, was running fine so i went for a shut down to prep it for wiping the hard drive and installing windows 7

System specs:
msi agp gpu
2gb ddr1 (tested in a dell and all seemed working)
pentium 4 Hyper threading (3.ghz i think)

After it shut down it just would not turn on again. The fans would spin up and everything has been tested fine (exept the motherboard and cpu)

Initially i thought it was just a bad motherboard problem
so i ran it out of the case with the same problem
i decided it was probably best to test each parts just to make sure it was the motherboard
All parts tested fine (never tested the cpu)
but i find what's weird is the fact it was running perfectly and then just didnt turn on after the shut down and on the motherboard there are no blown mosphets or caps (tested with a multi meter)

Problem with tower 2
p4 Hyper threading
512mb ram
2x 160gb hdd's

So on the first power on i got no display yet i could hear it booting to windows, so after testing the parts in a different pc and a complete rebuild i got the pc working, started installing windows 7 and after the first windows 7 pc restart the pc would do the same and power on but with no display (not the gpu as its tested fine)

Pc tower 3
at first it had the same symptoms as pc 2, then this morning i turned it on and with a quick mess about it was running fine again
after i started installing windows on the first restart in the windows 7 installation it refused to power back on

now all 3 pc's have the same symptoms, and i have no clue what's wrong with them... its driving me bonkers, and input would be helpfull, Thanks, Zac
32 bit or 64 bit Windows 7?

I'm pretty sure the old P4s aren't 64 bit compatable.

both on 32 bit, there would be no point putting 64bit on as none have more than 2gb ram
Tested pc 3 to a dead motherbaord (power light comes on the mobo yet no fans spin up or nothing hapens and everything elese has been tested
im assuming id have trouble getting the motherboard of pc 1 to work and power up again aswell (fans spin on this one)
Hope you not pay too much.

Wow that's unlucky dude, Were they advertised as working.. orr?

They were advertised as working with i think 2 faulty, but as stranded office pcs with a little jigging they ussaly roar into life again
there is trace shorts on one of the motherboards witch means either they thought they could fix it themselves or they employed a bad techniction

it cost me £50 for all of this lot
with this was 8 desktops (all office sorta spec except an ancient dell)
with this was 2 laser printers
topped of with a bucket load of cables
forgot to mention it came with 5 17" flat screens (all working)
and also 3 19" flat screens (all working)
and some free software

and i got 5 working pcs and a bucket loada parts and cables. so no it was an amazingly good deal :D
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