Video Codec Problems

17 Nov 2004
The Republic

I built my new rig a few months back and have had some problems playing movies or trailers in MP4 or avi format through winamp, quicktime or windows media player. Even the other night I tried to stream one of the world cup games via the BBC website.

I don't actually get any colour but everything is just pink with the odd bit of blue here and there. No problem with the same files being played on quicktime on a Mac. Is the problem video codecs or possibly hadware ?
Dowload Defilerpak or K-Lite mega codec pack and install

failing that, try updating your windows media player version, this will also have an effect on your other media programmes as they will use the same codec for certain file types, ie they all should work then, even though you have only updated WMP

yeah, winamp / WMP / Real player etc would for example all use the same codec for an .mp3, so its generally same for video and other media as well...

the WMP update & defilerpak have never failed me yet :)

(ps if youve installed any "other" codec packs previously might be worth uninstalling them first befiore installing another, sometimes they conflict and cause similar problems)
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jpmonkey69 said:
Is there a program I can use to see WHAT codec is needed to play a particular file?

Yes, there is one called G-Spot (Oo-er :P)

Just load your file in and it will tell you what codec is needed for audio & video and also if it is installed on your computer etc...

see below


hope that picture isnt too big and is allowed, sorry if not!

I use the K-Lite Mega Codec Pack, which you can get from here. It comes with G-Spot and many other good utilities, not to mention fantastic alternatives to Quicktime and REAL audio/video.
Like I said, you don't have to install them. :p Every single component is configurable during install, it's just nice that all the other codecs and tools are there in case you need them.
Don't see how that's relevent in this day and age when take things like 5GB pen drives for granted. :confused: It's just a nice thing to have "in case you need it."
you dont need it thats the point. if you want to download it only to choose not to install 90% of the software then fine. Most people wont do that, will they? they'll download it because they'll have people telling thewm that's what they need when they dont.

like i said, you only need MPC, the two alternatives and ffdshow. between them they play 99% of the stuff out there. you dont need any of that other crap, at all.

//There's always been two schools of thought re: codec packs. those that use them and those that dont. Strangely, the peopel who only download what they need dont seem to be having anywhere near as many issues with codecs as those that do:)
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Hmm codecs dont seem to have solved it even playing the file through Mediaplayer classic. Heres a screeny of what I am getting
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