Video editing software? aaaarg!

30 Sep 2008
Ok so 13 of us have been tasked with creating a video for the executives to watch in two weeks time (multi billion dollar company so no pressure)

The idea is to create a video about the company values & the CEO has asked the noobs (ie worked less than 6 months) to create it. I get the feeling its some sick joke they play twice a year to have a laugh down the pub.

I've been tasked with the video editing, the company will provide digital cameras & any software we need (paid for) but i have no idea what to use. Only ever used Movie Maker.

Its going to be three recordings (London, US, ASPAC) with all three video feeds on one screen. So two on the bottom & one on the top.

Each of us will say one word at a time which creates a full sentence. I also want to add music in the back ground & ideally manipulate the video to move around the screen. Will be 3 minutes long.

Any idea on some software i can use? Price is not an issue but nothing too hardcore.
Final Cut Pro
Adobe Premier Pro
Sony Vegas

Those are your main options. All are relatively simple to use for basic, and excellent if you get into it.

If you like, get an AVID licence and send it to me when you're done. Cheers.
Premiere Pro I'd say is the easiest to get the most out of at the start, and if you're familiar with photoshop or anything it becomes just as powerful as Vegas.

I liked using Vegas but found it to be incredibly buggy, and I don't know if it features pre-rendering yet.
Sony Vegas if you have a PC. Adobe Premier Pro may have a little too steep a learning curve.

If you have a Mac then iMovie should cut it. If not Final Cut Pro X is easier than Premier to get your head around.

Oh and no jump cuts, right? Nobody wants to see jump cuts up on the big screen. Nor do they want to see every type of fade or wipe the software has, especially star wipes, ok?
Final cut is a good choice, but if you are going to look at that you might as well go for iMovie to keep it simple.

What hardware are you going to be using pc or mac?
PC=Vegas, mac=iMovie.

Both simple to use, intuitive and allow a little room for interesting editing. Just don't leave it until the last minute, you're bound to hit bumps. And burn and test everything several times before the meeting..
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