Video Footage - Street Fighter 2 XBLA

Ripper^ said:
more of the stupid best in the world achievements though :(

Im starting to think that people who say this are idiots.

Sorry ripper m8 im really not just pointing this at you at all, but for christs sake i wish everyone would stop being so self-obsessive about their gamerpoints. Sure i love having a big score too, but these cries of 'WTF i can never get that' are RETARDED. The whole core principle of gamerpoints is to have an award system in games that rewards excellence not rewarding the mere purchase of the game as most EA sports titles do.

Tell you what ill give you 10 ultra_extreme points for every game you finish yeah? No one will give a flying ****! But if you strolled up to me with a No 1 in the world badge at SF2 XBL or GRAW id frigging bow at your feet and tell you you were a gaming ledged, no lie! Might buy you a pint too :D but any of you come parading around with your 16k gamerpoints and EA's back catalogue and i couldnt care less. Completing a game is not an acheivment, any monkey can do that, hell my 8 yr old sister has about 7k big friggin deal.

Achievments even now are still too easy, most games cough up for an average showing in very short spaces of time.

I say MORE no1 ranking medals (maybe 2+3 aswell or a top 10) MORE best in the world, MORE fastest ever laps! Make an achievment worth having i say, the system is genius, just as yet mostly unrealised.
Why is everyone looking forward to this so much?! dont get me wrong ill probably buy it when its been released for a bit so i can fill my mates in on it!
its exactley the same as the same re-release of the 10 year old original!

Now if they released capcom vs snk 2 for the xbox360 that would be class! thats top draw!
I couldnt agree more with you about having more top 10 points etc..

For I have managed to get into 5th place on a leader board in PGR3. IIRC it was leauge 36 for a certain track ( cant remember which one ). I checked it yesterdy and I was now in 26th place, so i ran the race again and got to 8th place.. I didnt get any Gamer points for it but it shows that for me its and achievment in it owns right.

I am over the moon about getting into the top 10 in PGR3 regardless of what leauge it is in. I dont even know how the PGR3 leagues work tbh but me getting 5th the other day was awsome for me.

You may thing this is lame but like I said, to me its my achievement soley for me, no points just the fact I got into top 10..

Im not the best gamer around and I dont bother about my gamer score to much. I play for fun. All my mates have over 1500 GP and they got their 360`s well after me. I got mine on release day. Didnt open till 6th Dec cos it was my dirthday prezzie. One of my mates got his 2 weeks ago and already on 3000 GP. He plays it all the time..
Ultra_Extreme said:
Completing a game is not an acheivment, any monkey can do that, hell my 8 yr old sister has about 7k big friggin deal.

well that makes my gamerscore look bad, if a 8 yr old is beating me, in all honesty i dont care for the points, its usually a suprise when the achievment unlocked sign appears as i dont set out to get them (apart from on fifa when it was just to easy)
Ultra_Extreme said:

Its not the points I'm after its the achivement. I want to know I have unlocked everything int the game 100%, thats when I am satisfied.

I have alreadly noticed ways of abusing certian achivements, but I haven't because I would know it cheapend myself and the game.

All I am saying is make achivements achivable. I mean there was no complete every level in GRAW without taking any damage achivement. I would imagine that to be bloody hard. Even harder in COD2. There was no 100% acuracy achivement. These are things a player can attempt knowing that they do not need to try to keep up with some unemployed narcaleptic obsessive gamer who has played enough online games to be top of the leader board despite having a poor win/loss ratio.
Kronologic said:
These are things a player can attempt knowing that they do not need to try to keep up with some unemployed narcaleptic obsessive gamer who has played enough online games to be top of the leader board despite having a poor win/loss ratio.

No need to be so rude about Wyrdo !!!! :eek:
i agree with both Krono and Ultra on the matter, but i would prefer such online achievements to be seperate, it wont happen i know, but i would rather have an Achievement for something like completeing GRAW on hard without taking a single hit. Cos it would be possible, hard but possible... im never gonna be ranked number 1 - i dont have the time :p

I think users should have an online achievement thing, so we can see; "McDan1el has been ranked in the top 10 on ......; or McDan1el has set the 10th fastest time on TRACK on PGR3"

something more general

but none of it will ever happen
McDaniel said:
i agree with both Krono and Ultra on the matter, but i would prefer such online achievements to be seperate, it wont happen i know, but i would rather have an Achievement for something like completeing GRAW on hard without taking a single hit. Cos it would be possible, hard but possible... im never gonna be ranked number 1 - i dont have the time :p

I think users should have an online achievement thing, so we can see; "McDan1el has been ranked in the top 10 on ......; or McDan1el has set the 10th fastest time on TRACK on PGR3"

something more general

but none of it will ever happen

I think thats where leader boards come in. Each game should keep a record of who is in the top 1000 so that you can claim bragging rights. I also think there should be some online achivements but you should not be in compitition with other players to get them ie top 10 and top 1 spots. Achivements should be based upon your skill and no-one elses imo.
droolinggimp said:
For I have managed to get into 5th place on a leader board in PGR3. IIRC it was leauge 36 for a certain track ( cant remember which one ). I checked it yesterdy and I was now in 26th place, so i ran the race again and got to 8th place.. I didnt get any Gamer points for it but it shows that for me its and achievment in it owns right.
I could be (and probable am) wrong, but I think there are 1000 places in each league, so if you were 5th in league 36, that would be about the 35,005 best in the world on that track.
yeah best i ever managed was about league 3 place 500 or so which i was unbelievably chuffed with. But that was before a lot of people had 360's, doubt id make the top 10k in many games now.
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