(Video) Frame Rate Settings? Slow-Mo?

30 Dec 2004
Hi all

Wondering if someone can shed some light on this, because I would like it clarified!

How can I record at 30fps OR 60fps using the RX100 III?

Can I record at 60fps all of the time and it not look 'too fast', and then if I want to slow-mo a section wind down to 50% (30fps). I want to know if I can shoot at a constant frame rate and in editing decide if I want to slow something down or not.

Also, in the camera settings, being in the UK is set to PAL.

PAL shows
  • 50i 24M (FX)
  • 50i 17M (FH)
  • 50p 28M (PS)
  • 25p 24M (FX)
  • 25p 17M (FH)

Do I need to switch to NTSC so that I can get 30 or 60FPS?

NTSC shows
  • 60i 24M (FX)
  • 60i 17M (FH)
  • 60p 28M (PS)
  • 24p 24M (FX)
  • 24p 17M (FH)

If anyone could help clear this up for me that'd be hugely appreciated. Also what is the best quality, i or p?

I have been reading about the '180 rule' too with shutter speed... Hope someone can see what I am getting confused with and straighten it out.

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