Vince's Repair Thread - (Console Repairs & Mods)

Ok Gents landing tomorrow we have:

1x boxed Commadore 64
1x Atari 2600 (think its a jr)
2x Elite Series 2 pads
1x Elite Series 1
1x DS
1x Boxed PS5 Slim/Pro Disc drive
1x new 2DS XL
1x PS5 Edge Controller.

From the previous batch we can now strike through pretty much the rest, the only things outstanding are the original DS systems that im waiting for china shells for. Everything else is done.

1x Series X - Fixed - HDMI Port
1x PS5 disc - Fixed - 12v short - Shorted Fet
1x steam deck - Fixed - Fan Connector ripped off board
8x Nintendo DS - Fixed, a mix of case damage, screens, hinges - Had more than enough spare parts to repair them all.

2x DS Fat - Not sure I can be bothered to spend much time have ordered in some shells though.
2x PSP - Both fixed white one needed a new ribbon for the R trigger, black one needed a screen, happened to have a good screen in my spares pile, and i also had a few sets of the ribbons as I keep meaning to do my own one.
1x Vita - Fixed, just a good clean and 2 new analogues.
2x PS5 pads - Couple of pots.
1x Elite 2 pad - Reshelled & some new pots.
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RB / LB buttons failing. From memory I think RB is worse.

Also the A button sometimes misses when pressed. It’s intermittent though.

new buttons are in order then my friend! I shall replace the triggers and have a look at the A button. :) want funky colour buttons or anything else while I am in there :cry:

just feeling it out the A does feel proper weak, it doesnt ping back like the others... ill probably replace the membrane with a better donor.. I bet its got a little tear in it.
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You can replace all the triggers buttons and sticks for me, if you have the time and the parts.

I really liked the blue buttons and highlights from the pad in the pic a few posts above. Also happy if you wanna do your own thing if you have spares/parts you want to use / get rid of! Feel free to make it a Vince original! :)

I’d be interested in new pots / drift kits too.

I hear about hall sticks all the time. Can’t remember if it’s doable on an elite v2? Anything that will improve longevity and reduce common failure risks is all good with me!

I've got some halls for the v2 but I've not tested them and I've heard people complaining about Microsoft doing something with them in firmware.. if you want me to test them on your pad I'd be happy to. Right leave it with me and we shall give it some toys!
We are in a bit of a roll here...

1x boxed Commadore 64 - Waiting on a new power supply... I suspect its supply is done.
1x Atari 2600 (think its a jr) - Fixed - power switch issue.
2x Elite Series 2 pads - Fixed - L/R Triggers.
1x Xbox Project Scorpio - Fixed - New wifi board and HDMI Retimer.
1x Elite Series 1 - Not started.
1x DS - Fixed
1x Boxed PS5 Slim/Pro Disc drive - Fixed - Somebody had been in it before and not put it back together right... simple as that really.
1x new 2DS XL - Waiting on parts.
1x PS5 Edge Controller. - Waiting on parts.
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Thought I would have a look at the commodore... Think I might have found the problem!!

We have fire!!! Niiice, fire is always a good sign. Silver lining the machine itself is lovely!!

With the magic of the Internet I've ordered a supply for it that looks as nice as the machine... We shall see what happens.
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All the parts came in for the fridge pcb...

I guess we send it home for some testing.

One more thing I forgot to say! I got talked into buying an IR BGA rework machine yesterday... First project, 40nm RSX swap on a BC ps3!
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Full list for this week...

1 x ps4
4 x ps4 pads
3 x ps5 pads
1 x xbox 1 x
9 x xbox 1 s
1 x dsi
1 x pocket pikachu
1 x astro controller
Various games
And our wait continues...

It will be 3 months on the 6th Jan. Still a brick wall in terms of ETA and costs... Who knows, will keep you all updated.
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@BuffetSlayer... Done some bits on your pad tonight...

Its blue, has new r&l, new membrane.. new buttons and stuff... waiting on some blue flappy paddles. Didnt do anything with the pots. they measure and look good so why replace what you dont need to. If they ever go replace them then!
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