Vintage PC Collection on Ebay 4 sale!!

Oh how I'd love to bid :(. Shame I'm a) not in the US and b) have nowhere to possibly keep all of that junk.
thats a lot of computers :O

i still expect someone to go ... " thats not impressive ive seen a bigger collection"

My word, that is one hell of a lot of stuff! i might have missed it, but how on earth does one collect / send that amount of stuff?

I was kinda deprived as a child (it was my bro that had all the cool stuff, as older brothers do), but still I am only 21, so most of that was probably way before my time.
Simple, shove the stuff on a pallet, wrap it up so it doesn't move around, put into a truck via a forklift, take to a plane, fly it over, put onto another truck then drive it to delivery address. Then start swearing blindly as the driver realises you actually have no way getting it off the truck and didn't think the purchase through properly :D
:eek: That's quite a collection!

Makes you realise quite how far computers have come on in the relatively brief time they've been available to the consumer.

I used to have a BBC in the late 80's, I must've played the Repton games inside out and upside down!

/wanders down memory lane...
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